A note from your clerk: Let’s Talk Money Week – local events

2nd November 2023 | County Council News

I’ve received the following message from Cllr Donna Higgins, Portfolio Holder for Families and Communities at West Suffolk:

Talk Money Week is an annual campaign launched by the Money & Pensions Service to reduce the stigma of financial insecurity by encouraging open conversations about money. The dedicated week of action is to take place from Monday 6 November 2023 through to Friday 10 November 2023 and I am delighted to say we will be supporting a number of events across the district helping individuals and families to have more open conversations about money matters.

To support the campaign, West Suffolk Council, alongside partners from Suffolk County Council, Citizen’s Advice and a number of local organisations, will be hosting five drop-in events in our town libraries, where people can seek advice and find out more about support available in Suffolk.

 Events taking place in West Suffolk include:

Monday 6 November 2023:
Bury Library from 10am to 2pm

Thursday 9 November 2023:
Haverhill Library from10am to 2pm
Brandon Library from 10am to 2pm
Newmarket Library from 12pm to 2pm

Friday 10 November 2023:
Mildenhall Library from 10am to 2pm

If you would like to pop along to an event please do so, details of events will be shared through our communication channels and would welcome you sharing the details with your communities and networks.

Cllr Donna Higgins
Portfolio Holder for Families and Communities

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