I wanted to make you aware of the following message from Tim Passmore, the Police and Crime Commissioner.
As your Police and Crime Commissioner, setting the budget is one of my most important responsibilities. I must ensure that the Chief Constable has the resources she needs to provide an efficient and effective service.
Later this month I will need to make a decision about the policing element of the council tax precept. I am planning to ask the Police and Crime Panel to support my proposal to raise the policing element of the precept by £15 a year (for a Band D property) which is essential to maintain an efficient and effective service, and provide the resources needed to manage demand as effectively as possible.
I would be very grateful if you could take part in the survey (link below) and let me know what you think. Could I also ask you to forward this on to anyone else you think may be interested to comment.
To take part in the survey please click here.
Go to my website for more detail here.
Tim Passmore
Police and Crime Commissioner for Suffolk