Services and maintenance across the parish is provided by 3 different levels of local government – Suffolk County Council, West Suffolk District Council and Wickhambrook Parish Council. It’s not always easy to work out who’s responsible for what, but a general guide is included below. There are hyperlinks to the relevant service where available.
Grounds maintenance for:
- Cemetery and All Saints Churchyard
- Cemetery and Bury Road Play areas
- Six Acres and Recreation Ground
- Attleton, Coltsfoot, Genesis and Meeting Green
Provision of Grit Bins
Maintaining play areas at Cemetery and Bury Road, the Multi-use Games Area, Skate Park and Aerial Runway
Wickhambrook Cemetery
Grounds maintenance – a mix of open spaces – check My Area
Abandoned Vehicles
Anti-social behaviour and Nuisance
Benefits and Support
Bins, Recycling and Street Cleaning
Environment (air quality, high hedges, noise issues)
Fly tipping and fly posting
Licences (view the public register)
Nuisance Vehicles
Parking and Travel
Planning and Building Regulations
Street Lighting
Street Cleaning
For more information, you can also search on Findmynearest
Suffolk County Council
Apply for a Blue Badge
Apply for a free bus pass
Apply for a school place
Children, Families and Learning
Fire and Rescue Service
Flooding and drainage
Highway Maintenance
Highways Licences (skips, scaffolds, mobile elevating work platforms etc.)
Planning Applications (Minerals, Waste & County Council Developments only)
Public Rights of Way and Access
Recycling Centres (book a slot)
Roads, pavements and verges
- blocked drains (gullies)
- problems with cycle lanes or tracks
- flooding on roads or pavements
- Report a pothole (Suffolk County Council)
Roadworks in Suffolk
School term dates
Street lighting, traffic signals and pedestrian crossings
Suffolkonboard (passenger transport)
Temporary Road Closures
To Report direct, you can also use the links below
UK Power Networks
On this website you can: Find out about:
- power cuts, including how to the Priority Services Register
- reporting leaning poles, hedges and trees etc. near power lines
West Suffolk - Report a Grounds Maintenance Problem
Report problems related to open spaces owned or maintained by West Suffolk Council.
Wickhambrook Greens, Cemetery & Play Areas
Report problems related to open spaces, play areas or the cemetery owned or maintained by the Parish Council.
Report a Public Right of Way Issue
Report issues related to a Public Right of Way in Suffolk to Suffolk County Council quickly and easily online.
Once you have reported the issue could you please forward on to the Parish Clerk the acknowledgement from SCC together with any images you have uploaded, so that the Parish Council can add to our records and ask SCC to link the cases.
Highways - Report a Problem
Any issue that is deemed to be dangerous to either private property, the highway or any of its users should be telephoned through on 0345 606 6171 so that it can be immediately assessed and action taken quickly.
We have been told that any report logged via the reporting tool will generate a site visit from one of SCC’s Highways Assessment Officers. Please supply any photographs you may have – particularly in cases of drainage or flooding problems – as in many cases, the flood water will have subsided by the time SCC Teams attend.
Once you have reported the issue could you please forward on to the Parish Clerk the acknowledgement from SCC together with any images you have uploaded, so that the Parish Council can add to our records and ask SCC to link the cases.
Contact the Parish Clerk
Contact info for the Parish Clerk or please complete the short form and we will be in touch.