Wickhambrook Together…

What to do if you have had a first dose but not a second dose of the covid-19 vaccination

Today’s infographic provides information about easing of lockdown rule changes that came into effect from 19 July 2021.

view pdf version here

The translated pdf versions will be added to the other translated information that can be found on this web page: https://www.suffolk.gov.uk/about/web-accessibility/interpreting-and-translating-services/covid-19-information-in-other-languages/

You can find information and links to the infographics on the Message Cascaders web page:  www.suffolk.gov.uk/message-cascaders

Be a Message Cascader and help us to Keep Suffolk Safe – please share with your family, friends, colleagues and wider networks!

Hands Face Space
Suffolk CoronaWatch logo

Suffolk CoronaWatch

Suffolk’s CoronaWatch is the online home of data and information produced under the Suffolk Joint Strategic Needs Assessment about COVID-19. It can be accessed 24 hours a day at the following link: https://www.healthysuffolk.org.uk/jsna/coronawatch.

Stick with it Suffolk: Suffolk County Council have put together the following video to highlight the importance of wearing a mark and sticking with it Suffolk

Covid Updates

In the week up to the 27 October, there have been 3,917 new cases of COVID-19 in Suffolk. This is a decrease on the numbers in the previous week. The rate of new weekly cases in Suffolk has decreased slightly and is now, at 528.3 cases per 100,000 people. This is above the rates for the East of England region (523.8 / 100,000) and for England as a whole (484.1 / 100,000)…

read more
Suffolk Coronawatch Bulletin Overview

Suffolk Coronawatch Bulletin Overview

In the week up to May 5 there have been 144 new cases of COVID-19 in Suffolk. This is a drop of 48 cases on the previous week. The underlying rate of new weekly cases in Suffolk has risen and is now at 19.7 cases per 100,000 people. This rate is above the rates for the East of England region (19.1 / 100,000) but below England as a whole (22.6 / 100,000)…

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Government food parcels and medication deliveries to those who were shielding stopped on 31st July.  Those affected will have already received a letter from Government outlining the changes.

The volunteers of the Wickhambrook Coronavirus Support group have done a fantastic job supporting our more vulnerable residents during lockdown and shielding but many are now back at work themselves, and the group has not been able to offer continuing support after the end of shielding.  If circumstances change due to an increase in cases or restrictions, we’ll keep you updated through the website if its support activities resume.  Thank you to all the volunteers from Wickhambrook Parish Council.

If you, or someone you know, has concerns about the end of these Government services and needs to make arrangements after this time please call the Home, But Not Alone phoneline who will be able to signpost to other services.

Home but not alone Supporting Vulnerable People in Suffolk

For social care support, Suffolk County Council’s Customer First (first point of call) 0808 800 400 5.

Suffolk Infolink https://infolink.suffolk.gov.uk/kb5/suffolk/infolink/home.page

NHS Volunteer Responders 0808 196 3646 for

  • delivery of medication or food supplies (shopping or picking up of prescriptions)
  • patient transport, NHS Transport, (referral via a health care practitioner)
  • check in and chat befriending service (you may not always get the same volunteer calling); and
  • check in and chat peer support (same volunteer each time)

Try to give 72 hours notice of need, if your need is urgent call for a progress report on your allocation after a few hours to make sure that they are progressing your request.

You can also contact LifeLink https://www.westsuffolk.gov.uk/community/lifelink/index.cfm to connect to activities, clubs and groups in the area.

Contact one of their LifeLink coordinators Jo Burnett, Charlotte Staples or Elaine Hewes.

COVID-19 testing in Suffolk
An FAQ regarding testing in Suffolk is now available from Stuart Keeble, Director of Public Health Suffolk. Read more here.

Councils ready with Test and Trace Support Payment for most vulnerable
Read more details from Suffolk County Council website.

Here In Suffolk

New plan sets out how Suffolk will prevent and respond to COVID-19 outbreak: A plan which sets out how Suffolk would prevent and respond to a localised outbreak of COVID-19 has been published today [June 30th]. Suffolk’s Local Outbreak Control Plan will be triggered where there are suspected or confirmed COVID-19 outbreaks in any setting or community within the county. The plan, which was a requirement of Government to all local authorities, outlines measures to prevent, manage and contain outbreaks of Coronavirus and protect the public’s health. It builds upon existing relationships and processes in place with partner agencies across Suffolk. For more information click here

How you can help

We all have a part to play in reducing the spread of Covid-19 and you can help by sharing the following messages and resources through your networks:

  • If you develop symptoms of coronavirus, you must immediately self-isolate at home and get a test.
  • If you test positive, you must share your recent contacts with NHS Test and Trace.
  • If you are advised to self-isolate by NHS Test & Trace, you must do so. By following instructions to self-isolate, anyone who has had close recent contact with someone with coronavirus will be protecting their family, friends, colleagues and other people around them. This will break the chain of infection, helping to avoid a second peak while safely getting community life back to normal.

More information about Test and Trace in Suffolk is available at www.suffolk.gov.uk/testing

New Government guidance

Maintaining records of staff, customers and visitors to support NHS Test and Trace

Organisations in certain sectors should collect details and maintain records of staff, customers and visitors on their premises to support NHS Test and Trace.

Relevant sectors include:

  • hospitality, including pubs, bars, restaurants and cafés
  • tourism and leisure, including hotels, museums, cinemas, zoos and theme parks
  • close contact services, including hairdressers, barbershops and tailors
  • facilities provided by local authorities, including town halls and civic centres for events, community centres, libraries and children’s centres
  • places of worship, including use for events and other community activities

Planned visits for mobile testing units in Suffolk

Stick with it Suffolk - Keep protecting SuffolkVisit www.suffolk.gov.uk/testing for newly published dates for mobile testing units across Suffolk. These dates are for the week commencing 20 July and are subject to change, so please check back regularly. 99.9% of households in Suffolk can now access a test centre within a 30 minute drive.

It is important that anyone with coronavirus symptoms starts isolating and gets tested. Tests can be booked at www.nhs.uk/coronavirus or by calling 119

NHS test and trace: how it works

An overview of the NHS test and trace service, including what happens if you test positive for coronavirus (COVID-19) or have had close contact with someone who has tested positive.

Advice on how you can help reduce the transmission of coronavirus (COVID-19)

Updated guidance on number of people allowed to meet (14.09.2020)

Guidance for contacts of people with possible or confirmed coronavirus (COVID-19) infection who do not live with the person

Guidance for contacts of a person with a positive test result for coronavirus (COVID-19) who do not live with that person.

NHS test and trace: workplace guidance

Guidance on the NHS test and trace service for employers, businesses and workers.

Government launches NHS Test and Trace service

New guidance means those who have been in close contact with someone who tests positive must isolate for 14 days, even if they have no symptoms.

Don’t rely on temperature screening products for detection of coronavirus (COVID-19)

Warning from the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) that thermal cameras and other such “temperature screening” products, some of which make direct claims to screen for COVID-19, are not a reliable way to detect if people have the virus. (07/07/2020)

World first coronavirus treatment approved for NHS use

Dexamethasone, an anti-inflammatory drug, has been immediately approved to treat all UK hospitalised COVID-19 patients requiring oxygen, including those on ventilators. There is already enough treatment for over 200,000 people from NHS stockpiles alone. (23/06/2020)

Testing for Family Carers

Family Carers are eligible for fast track testing as they are classed as essential workers. For more information click here. (15/06/2020)

Fullfact.org: How to spot a coronavirus Test and Trace scammer

You will only ever be called from the number 0300 013 5000, or you will be texted from “NHS”. If you do not feel comfortable talking on the phone, or suspect the call to be a scam, you can ask for an email or a text that will invite you to use the Test and Trace web site instead. Amongst fraud signs, a real contact tracers will never ask you for details of card or bank account numbers, social media login details, set up a pin or ask you to download anything. You should only be asked for the information found on the contact tracing website (this will include your full name, date of birth, and details of any symptoms you may have).(15/06/2020)

Please take a moment (honestly, it’s only ten questions!) to complete this questionnaire so that we can ensure that everyone gets the help that they need at this time.  Let us know of anyone that you think might need assistance, as not everyone has access to, or uses the internet regularly.  And do please let us know if you are able and would like to help at this time.


Wickhambrook Parish Council


Visiting care homes during coronavirus

Guidance for making arrangements for limited visits for care homes with the support of their director of public health. (23.09.2020)

The Voluntary Network Befriending Service

The Voluntary Network Befriending Service is available at https://www.thevoluntarynetwork.org/befriending/ (18.08.2020)

Courts and tribunals additional capacity during coronavirus outbreak: Nightingale courts

This page holds a list of additional facilities opening to support the courts and tribunals estate during the coronavirus outbreak. (30.07.2020)

Face coverings to be mandatory in shops and supermarkets from 24 July

Health and Social Care Secretary, Matt Hancock, announced in Parliament the plan to make face coverings mandatory in all shops. This gives shops the right to deny entry to customers who do not comply with this policy. He said that wearing a face covering must go along with all the other measures that have helped slow the spread of the virus (16.07.2020)

Face coverings: when to wear one and how to make your own

 A face covering is something which safely covers the nose and mouth, they include scarves, bandanas, religious garments or hand-made cloth coverings but these must securely fit round the side of the face, they are not classified as PPE, they are largely intended to protect others from the spread infection as it covers the mouth and nose, it does is not replace social distancing (16.07.2020)

PPE portal: how to order emergency personal protective equipment

For GP practice, domiciliary care providers and residential care homes (01.07.2020)

Staying alert and safe (social distancing)

The most important thing we can do is to stay alert, control the virus, and in doing so, save lives.

Staying safe outside your home

The principles you should follow to ensure that time spent outside your home is as safe as possible.

Transport Secretary's statement on coronavirus (COVID-19)

Face coverings will be required on public transport from 15 June 2020. This will mean you can be refused travel if you don’t comply and could be fined. That doesn’t mean surgical masks, which we must keep for clinical settings. It means the kind of face covering you can easily make at home (instructions here). Exceptions to the rule for very young children, disabled people and those with breathing difficulties. With more people using transport, the evidence suggests that wearing a face covering offers some – albeit limited – protection against the spread of the virus. Social distancing and hand washing remain by far the most important disease prevention measures. Further details here. (04.06.2020)

Public advised to cover faces in enclosed spaces

The public is advised to consider wearing face coverings in enclosed public spaces such as shops, trains and buses to help reduce the spread of coronavirus.

Further expansion of access to coronavirus testing helps protect the most vulnerable

Anyone in England with coronavirus symptoms who either has to leave home to go to work or is aged 65 and over will now be able to get tested.

Coronavirus (COVID-19): transport and travel guidance

Information for people using transport or working in the transport sector during the coronavirus outbreak.

Coronavirus (COVID-19): letter to social housing residents

Letter from the Minister of Housing setting out the measures that are in place to support social housing residents during the next phase towards reopening society.

GP Practices

The NHS have reminded people that GP practices across the country are still open and that you shouldn’t be deterred from calling your practice if you feel unwell. Seeking medical help is one of the four reasons that people can safely leave home, in line with government guidance. For more information visit; www.england.nhs.uk/2020/04/help-us-help-you-nhs-urges-public-to-get-care-when-they-need-it/

Coronavirus (COVID-19): providing home care

New guidance is now available for all staff providing care at home.
Carers can support the shielding of clinically extremely vulnerable people receiving home care during COVID-19.
Creating care groups and allocating staff to individual groups can help decrease the risk of infection. (26.06.2020)

Guidance for carers

The government have published guidance for care staff who are supporting adults with learning disabilities and autistic adults during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.

COVID-19: Why you should stay at home if you have symptoms

Dr Jake Dunning, Head of Emerging Infections at Public Health England (YouTube video)

Support for the Bereaved

Information to help bereaved families, friends or next of kin make important decisions.

Coronavirus tracking smartphone app

Researchers in the UK have launched a coronavirus tracking smartphone app and are urging everyone to use it to help us track the spread of the deadly disease: https://covid.joinzoe.com/

The COVID-19 Symptom Tracker app can be downloaded for free for both iOS and Android devices. It asks users to put in details like their age, sex and postcode and then take one minute each day to report on whether or not they feel healthy. If not, they can answer questions on a wide range of symptoms like a dry cough, fever or fatigue.

The app will help health officials build up a picture of how the virus is spreading through the UK and what can be done to help areas most at risk. The app was a collaborative effort from researchers at Kings College London and Guy’s and St Thomas’ hospitals alongside the health data company ZOE.

Awarding Qualifications in Summer 2020

Information for schools, students and parents on how GCSE, AS, A level, vocational and technical qualifications will be graded and awarded in summer 2020.

Guidance for consumers on coronavirus (COVID-19) and food

This guidance will assist consumers to maintain good food hygiene during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.


Back to School

The new school term is fast approaching! Many families across Suffolk might being feeling a little anxious about the new school term as thousands of have been out of school since March. SCC have some great materials on our website to help them manage the transition back into school.  (26/08/2020)

Appeals based on mock exams

Ofqual sets out the criteria for what will determine a ‘valid’ mock for appeals of GCSE, AS and A levels in England, summer 2020. (18/08/2020)

Claim money back through the Eat Out to Help Out Scheme

Find out how to claim the reimbursement for discounts given to diners with the Eat Out to Help Out Scheme. (30/07/2020)

Information for farmers, landowners and rural businesses

The latest information for farmers, landowners and rural businesses during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. Read this page for regular updates. (24/07/2020)

Register your establishment for the Eat Out to Help Out Scheme

Find out how to register your restaurant or establishment for the Eat Out to Help Out Scheme. (13/07/2020)

VAT on admission charges to attractions

Check which attractions are eligible for the temporary reduced rate of VAT from 15 July 2020. (13/07/2020)

Thousands of business advisers to offer free services to small firms

 The Recovery Advice for Business scheme will give small firms access to free, one-to-one advice with an expert adviser to help them through the coronavirus pandemic and to prepare for long-term recovery. (13/07/2020)

Flexible Furlough Scheme

Will enable businesses to bring furloughed employees back to work on a part time basis from 1 July. The government will continue to pay 80% of the salary for the hours furloughed employees do not work. (06/07/2020)

Major changes to insolvency law come into force

The introduction of the new role of a Monitor and an extendable 20 working day period from 26 June 2020, giving businesses protection from creditor action while they seek professional restructuring advice. The Act also extends the suspension of termination clauses when a company enters into an insolvency procedure and introduces a new restructuring plan that has the ability to bind creditors to it. (01.07.2020)

Online education resources for home learning

Resources for English, maths and science are now available online to schools and parents to help children learn at home. This includes tips on home schooling. (26.06.2020)

How different circumstances affect the Self-Employment Income Support Scheme

If you’re self-employed or member of a partnership, find out how your circumstances can affect your eligibility for the scheme. The update includes examples added, to show when the ‘adversely affected’ criteria for the first and second grants will be met. Find out more here. (23.06.2020)

New funding package announced for Councils to help address coronavirus pressures

This is part of a plan to ensure councils’ “financial sustainability for the future”. Councils will now receive an additional £500 million funding. (06/07/2020)

Guidance for businesses who are reopening

Prior to reopening businesses should ensure the safety of the workplace by carrying out a risk assessment in line with the HSE guidance. For more information click here.  (15.06.2020)

Check if you can claim back Statutory Sick Pay paid to employees due to coronavirus (COVID-19)

If you’re an employer, find out if you can use the Coronavirus Statutory Sick Pay Rebate Scheme to claim back employees’ coronavirus-related Statutory Sick Pay (SSP).

New guidance launched to help get Brits safely back to work

Government publishes guidance for employers to help them get their businesses back up and running and workplaces operating safely.

Holiday entitlement and pay during coronavirus (COVID-19)

An explanation of how holiday entitlement and pay operate during the coronavirus pandemic, where it differs from the standard holiday entitlement and pay guidance.

Financial support for education, early years and children’s social care

Funding and financial support available for education, childcare and children’s social care organisations.

Government takes further action to support bus and lorry drivers who are keeping the country moving

Temporary change applies to drivers whose licences are due to expire or have expired since 1 January 2020.

Coronavirus (COVID-19): fraud and cyber crime

Advice and guidance on how to protect yourself and your business from fraud and cyber crime.


Vitamin D Supplements: how to take them safely

Guidance for at-risk groups offered free vitamin D supplements by the government this winter. (13/01/2021)

Get a discount with the Eat Out to Help Out Scheme

From 3 to 31 August, get a 50% discount when you eat in at restaurants that are registered with the Eat Out to Help Out Scheme. (30/07/2020)

Major new campaign encourages millions to lose weight and cut COVID-19 risk

A new national campaign is under way to encourage millions of adults to kick start their health and reduce their risk of serious illness, including COVID-19. (30/07/2020)

COVID-19: guidance for the safe use of places of worship and special religious services and gatherings during the pandemic

This guidance is designed to enable the safe reopening of places of worship for a broader range of activities and includes a checklist for special religious services and gatherings. (30/07/2020)

Local authority Emergency Assistance Grant for Food and Essential Supplies

The Local Authority Emergency Assistance Grant for Food and Essential Supplies is for local authorities in England to use to support people who are struggling to afford food and other essentials due to COVID-19. (13/07/2020)

Performing Arts given green light to resume outdoors on July 11

 Outdoor performances with social distancing can resume from July 11. (13/07/2020)

Government announces gyms and pools to reopen safely

 Outdoor pools can reopen to the public from 11 July followed by indoor gyms, pools and leisure centres on 25 July. (13.07.2020)

NHS England: NHS to launch online COVID-19 rehab service

Tens of thousands of people who are suffering long-term effects of coronavirus will benefit from an on-demand recovery service. Nurses and physiotherapists will be on hand to reply to patients’ needs either online or over the phone as part of the service. (07/07/2020)

Young carers and young adult carers: providing care during coronavirus

This guidance is for anyone under 25 who cares for a family member who cannot cope without their support. This may be because they have a lifelong condition, illness, disability, serious injury, a mental health condition or an addiction. (07/07/2020)

COVID-19: guidance for the safe use of places of worship during the pandemic from 4 July

This guidance is designed to enable the safe reopening of places of worship for a broader range of activities from 4 July 2020. (07/07/2020)

COVID-19: Guidance for the safe use of places of worship from 4 July

 The guidance provides advice on how places of worship can open for a broader range of activities on 4 July. (30.06.2020)

COVID-19: Guidance for small marriages and civil partnerships

 This guidance is designed to assist people planning to get married or form a civil partnership in England. (30.06.2020)

Coronavirus (COVID-19): keeping children safe online

Due to our increased internet usage the government has provided guidance on steps to take to protect children from cyberbullying and to ensure exposure to only age appropriate content. (26.06.2020)

Thousands of pubs, restaurants and hairdressers are reopening from the 4th of July and have been provided practical guidance for this. Further details are available here. (26.06.2020)

New government guidance supports reopening of tourism and visitor attractions on July 4. This is to enable the public to enjoy domestic holidays and visit attractions on days out. (26.06.2020)

Hot weather warning issued to people shielding and more vulnerable groups
Public Health England has issued a heat warning and is encouraging vulnerable people to take care during the exceptionally hot weather forecast this week.

Coronavirus (COVID-19): guidance on the phased return of sport and recreation

Guidance for the public, providers of outdoor sport facilities, elite athletes, personal trainers and coaches on the phased return of sport and recreation.

NHS here for you and your family

Local Clinical Commissioning Groups are urging people not to put off seeking medical for other conditions during the Covid-19 Pandemic. GP practices, pharmacies, NHS 111, A&E, mental health services etc are all open and have measures in place to protect patients and staff.  (15.06.2020)

Diabetes support

New online support is now available for children and adults living with diabetes this includes a range of apps, videos and training to help them manage their condition during the Covid-19 pandemic. Click here for more information. (15.06.2020)

Mandatory MOT testing to be reintroduced from 1 August

This mandatory MOT testing reintroduction will help ensure that vehicles are kept safe to drive, as currently MOT testing is suspended. (01.07.2020)

Coronavirus: MOTs due from 30 March 2020

Your car, van or motorcycle’s MOT expiry date will be extended by 6 months if it’s due on or after 30 March 2020 – but you must keep your vehicle safe to drive.

Coronavirus (COVID-19): guidance on phased return of sport and recreation

From Wednesday 13 May 2020, you can now exercise outside as often as you wish and you can also sit and rest outside – exercise or recreation can be alone, with members of your household, or with 1 other person from outside your household while keeping 2 metres apart at all times.

Victim support

Victim Support is launching a 24/7 online Live Chat service and is available to all victims of crime across England and Wales. The victim Support’s online services will include Live Chat, a 24/7 online support service. The service is provided by people specially trained to help those affected by any crime and it makes no difference if the crime has been reported to the Police. For further detail about the service visit; https://www.nsvictimcare.org/24-7-live-chat-now-available-for-victims/#

Help Sleeping

Every mind matters have published some tips on how to get to sleep and how to sleep better. They also have expert advice and tips to help look after your mental health and wellbeing if you are worried or anxious about Covid-19. Click here to find out more.

Suffolk Mind Night Owl Service

This is a challenging time for everyone and lots of people will be seeking additional support for their mental health, Suffolk Mind can help. They call be called on 0300 111 6000 or you can sign up to their Suffolk Mind Night Owls service on their website. For more information visit; www.suffolkmind.org.uk/additional-help/helpful-support-telephone-and-online/

A new app has launched this week to support breastfeeding mothers

The ‘Breastfeeding Suffolk’ app is built for mothers who are thinking about breastfeeding or have just given birth to their new-born baby. The app features helpful tools that allow mothers to read daily information cards related to their breastfeeding cycle, record child development milestones and track feed times. The app also contains important contact details for local organisations and links to other helpful information such as children centres in their area through GPS, to ensure new mothers are up to date and informed throughout the full breastfeeding period. You can download the app by visiting https://breastfeedingsuffolk.co.uk/

Breastfeeding Awareness Week: This week is Breastfeeding Awareness Week and the focus of this year’s week is breastfeeding during the Covid-19 pandemic. Start 4 Life have shared lots of information and support for mums on their breastfeeding journey. Click here for more information. (04.06.2020)

Online museum and art gallery tours

An article by the Guardian about on-line museum and art gallery tours

Useful Activity you may wish to participate in - giant weather digitisation effort

At a loss to know what to do with your self-isolation time? Well, why not get on the computer and help with a giant weather digitisation effort?

Useful Activity you may wish to participate in - #BlossomWatch

National Trust aims to lift lockdown spirits with #BlossomWatch

Advice from Community Action Suffolk:

Here is some advice from Community Action Suffolk
Be a good neighbour – and link up with neighbours you already know

Sally Connick, head of community and voluntary action at Community Action Suffolk, already oversees a host of Good Neighbour Schemes, where volunteers help with everyday tasks.

She said: “It’s great to see such a response from so many people across the community wanting to help their neighbours. We really are seeing people prepared to give of themselves, which is so heartening.  The top priority has to be keeping everyone safe.

“That means ensuring that the people we are supporting, who are isolating and vulnerable, can trust the help that’s on offer.

“We encourage Suffolk residents to make contact with their immediate neighbours to let them know that they can help with a bit of shopping or a chat over the phone if self-isolating. We suggest to keep to neighbours who will recognise you and trust your offer is genuine.”

She added: “As well as being neighbourly, we are encouraging people to go a step further and volunteer in their community.

“Suffolk community groups and charities have seen their volunteering force depleted by up to 80% as many fall into the over 70 category or one of the other groups advised to self-isolate.

“The volunteering portal Volunteer Suffolk will be updated over the coming weeks to show where there are groups looking for volunteers even if it is in a temporary capacity during the Covid-19 crises.

“We are supporting the network of Suffolk Good Neighbour Schemes to respond to the crises to ensure they are sustainable and can cope with demand as well as supporting new groups to set up.”

To register as a volunteer, visit https://volunteersuffolk.org.uk/


Suffolk Carers Matter

Suffolk Carers Matter provides support for unpaid carers across the whole of Suffolk , seven days a week, by phone, online and in the community, this includes;

  • Information and Advice
  • Emotional Support
  • Health and Wellbeing
  • Community Carer Hubs

We can support anybody who is caring for a family member or friend.  This could be related to their physical health or mental healt. Read to find out more


Hot meals on a daily basis to elderly and/or vulnerable persons in Wickhambrook

A charitable group in Newmarket, which includes Newmarket Festival Group, Tesco’s, Racing, Godolphin & Unex have a fund to supply hot meals on a daily basis to elderly and/or vulnerable persons in Wickhambrook. 

Please contact the Parish Clerk, Hilary Workman 07508 039810 if you would like your details to be passed on to them.


Domestic abuse

Get help during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak
Updated to include more information for children and young people. (18/08/20)


Domestic Violence 24 Hour Helpline

For some, having to isolate at home as a family will be a truly frightening experience. Domestic Abuse support services are still available to support them. The number of domestic abuse incidents will rise during the coronavirus outbreak. Being asked to stay at home, uncertainty over jobs and money may lead to increased stress within households. COVID-19 is not an excuse for abuse. National Domestic Violence 24 hour helpline – 0808 200 0247/Respect Phoneline ‘Are you hurting the one you love? Choose to stop.’ – 0808 802 4040


The Norfolk and Suffolk Covid-19 Economic Recovery Restart Plan brings together commitments and actions from local authority, private sector, third sector and education organisations to outline the key activities in place to help our region’s economy restart. It supports local recovery plans being developed at county and district levels, which will cover additional activity, individual places and health and education. The plan will also feed into the Government’s national recovery plan. Find out more in the new Covid-19 Economic Recovery Restart plan at https://newanglia.co.uk/covid-economic-recovery/


Visit Suffolk Advice

With lockdown restrictions loosened more people will be visiting Suffolk’s stunning coast and countryside – but Visit Suffolk have urged the public to do it safely, observe social distancing and follow the Countryside Code. This includes respecting wildlife who may have recolonised in some areas and making sure you stick to public rights of way. For more information click here

Businesses Against Scams

Suffolk businesses are being encouraged to join Businesses Against Scams, an initiative from National Trading Standards, which supports businesses in avoiding COVID-19 related fraud and scams. As many businesses are adapting to working remotely, and away from their office locations, fraudsters are exploiting this transitional period to defraud businesses across the UK. More information available on Business Against Scams website: www.friendsagainstscams.org.uk/BAS

New Anglia Growth Hub

As local businesses in Suffolk gear up for the further relaxations in lockdown there is free support available – do please take the opportunity to ask for help if you need it:

New Anglia Growth Hub’s business advisers are offering free support and guidance. They can help businesses find out more about the latest Government schemes and a range of local initiatives. Speak to them for impartial advice on 0300 333 6536 or email Businesses can also make use of the Covid-19 Business Toolkit , where you will find information about funding, free online webinars and all the latest advice. (15.06.2020)

Job Vacancies

Farms and food production businesses are looking for staff as they continue to operate during the pandemic. Check the new Anglia LEP website for all the latest jobs in the region https://newanglia.co.uk/employment-opportunities. (15.06.2020)

Stick with it Suffolk - Support Local Business

Online campaign to help promote job vacancies

COVID-19 has prompted a raft of job opportunities as businesses respond to the crisis. Click here to visit the New Anglia LEP Employment Opportunities page to see the latest vacancies. (15.06.2020)

New Anglia LEP Growth Hub Support

The Growth Hub’s team of Business Advisers for Norfolk & Suffolk continue to be available to offer fully funded and impartial business support. If you’re in need of business support or just need a friendly voice to talk through your business worries with, get in touch with them.

Their advisers will be able to speak with you during the Growth Hub’s opening hours of Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm on 0300 333 6536 or email . For more information or to access their Covid-19 toolkit visit: www.newangliagrowthhub.co.uk/


Feed the nation

Staffline & PeoplePlus are working to Feed the Nation by recruiting and training a temporary workforce in Supermarkets and the supply chain – for vacancies go to https://www.feedthenation.co.uk/ (15.06.2020)

Volunteers Week

Leader of Suffolk County Council, Councillor Matthew Hicks and other public sector leaders from the Suffolk Resilience Forum thank the county’s amazing volunteers for being so generous with their time and thinking of others. Click here to view the video (15.06.2020)

SEND Parent Carer Update

Read the latest SEND Parent Carer Update which includes lots of information about what SCC is doing to implement Suffolk’s SEND Strategy and what support is available during the Coronavirus COVID-19 crisis. Click here to read. (15.06.2020)

Spiritual and Pastoral Support

The Church of England in Suffolk are offering NHS staff and key workers in the care sector, from all faiths and none, spiritual and pastoral support on their new helpline 01473563563. The phoneline is staffed 24 hours, seven days a week. More information can be found at: www.cofesuffolk.org/bishops/nhs-support


CAS Webinars

Let’s Talk Volunteering – CAS are holding an online networking event for people who are managing volunteers. The event will take place on Tuesday 19 May 2020 2pm – 3pm. To sign up or for more information click here

Covid-19 – Making strategy work: CAS are holding a FREE webinar on Monday 18th May at 11am. Elizabeth Pearce – businesswoman, Chair of Suffolk Institute of Directors and member of Suffolk ProHelp – will share some of her experiences in building a company from £500K to £5m.


Road Safety Campaign:

Suffolk Roadsafe is supporting Road Safety GB and encouraging all road users to do their bit to reduce the strain on the emergency services in the coming weeks and months, by taking extra care every time they travel. The pressure being placed on the NHS by the escalating situation with regard to coronavirus is well known – and the situation is likely to get much worse in the coming weeks and months.


Suffolk County Council buildings:

All SCC buildings are now closed to the public until further notice. If you need to contact SCC urgently please call 0345 606 6067 or email customer.services@suffolk/gov.uk . Please see the County Council’s website www.suffolk.gov.uk/coronavirus for an update on the impact on the services.  

Suffolk Assembly of Youth April Newsletter

The Suffolk Assembly of Youth, a network of youth organisations and young leaders in Suffolk have published their April Newsletter which includes lots of information and resources for young people during the Covid-19 pandemic. Click here to read the newsletter.


Charity Fraud:

Suffolk Trading Standards have become aware that some fraudsters are taking advantage of the increase in charity donations made during the coronavirus outbreak. They can set up fake charities or impersonate well-known charity names. The risk of fraud should not put you off giving to charities. They do really important work, helping those in the greatest need. However, everyone should be vigilant and make sure you are giving safely to legitimate organisations. Click here for information on how to ensure you are giving to a legitimate charity.


Childhood Bereavement Network

The childhood bereavement network has published advice on staying connected when someone is seriously ill and how to support bereaved children during the Covid-19 outbreak. Click here for more information.

Let’s Get Cultural and Creative

Suffolk Libraries have launched a new online directory of arts and culture experiences, curated by Suffolk County Council and other partner organisations, which will allow access to these resources during the UK lockdown. This includes content provided by Dance East, Suffolk Archives, Red Rose Chain, and many more.

The Let’s Get Cultural and Creative web directory can be found here: www.suffolklibraries.co.uk/letsgetcreative

Do also tour the Suffolk Libraries website to check out the many online activities they are running. It is possible with a click of your mouse at home in Suffolk to tour some of the world’s best museums from our British Museum to the Musee d’Orsay and from the MASP, Sao Paulo to the Uffizi. There are also activities to get you being creative. 

Suffolk Libraries Re-opening

Suffolk libraries start to reopen from today (Mon 6 July) with measures in place to ensure visitors are kept safe. The mobile library service will also resume from today. For more information click here


Stick with it Suffolk - Keep 2 meters apart

Child immunisation

Local clinical commissioning groups are urging parents not to put off getting their child immunised. They point out – measles is more contagious than Coronavirus. Your local GPs are available and happy to talk if parents have concerns.


Life after lockdown

Join the Suffolk Chamber of Commerce for a free webinar ‘Life after lockdown: what businesses need to know’  to help prepare businesses for the ‘new normal’. They will be joined by experts in all fields sharing their knowledge and top tips! Find out more about this webinar and others offered by the chamber here


Community Action Suffolk’s Governance and Community Buildings Advisor Jayne Vaughan will be available via zoom sessions to respond to questions and issues raised regarding the reopening of village halls and community buildings

Details of the sessions;

WEDNESDAY 1 JULY 11.15AM – 12 NOON for Parish and Town Councils please book https://crm.communityactionsuffolk.org.uk/civicrm/event/info?reset=1&id=910

THURSDAY 2 JULY 10.30AM – 11.15AM for Management Committees and Trustees please book




The New Anglia LEP have pulled together a database of 180 PPE suppliers and for any organisation in Norfolk or Suffolk to use if they are looking for equipment to help them reopen their business. For more information click here (30.06.2020)

Careers Hub

All secondary schools and colleges in Norfolk and Suffolk will have the opportunity to join a Careers Hub in a move aimed at transforming careers education and supporting skills for the Covid-19 recovery. Click here for more information.


Anglian Water Reservoirs reopened

Anglian Water reservoirs have reopened to the public and as the temperature rises Anglian Water are reminding visitors to their reservoirs not to enter the water. The water may look inviting on a hot day but there are hidden dangers, currents and cold temperatures below the surface. Please stay safe, enjoy their water parks and maintain social distancing. Help us spread the word by sharing this message.


Travel Assistance Cards

Colleagues from the Suffolk Local Offer and Passenger Transport teams have produced Travel Assistance cards which you can download and print if you need a little help with your journey. These include cards for those with a disability to explain why they may not be wearing a face covering. For more information visit click here


Rebuilding Local Lives

Suffolk Community Foundation have launched a new appeal called Rebuilding Local Lives. It is hoped that the Rebuilding Local Lives Appeal will deliver more local giving to the Suffolk Coronavirus Community Fund, which has been created and delivered by the Foundation. The Suffolk Coronavirus Community partnership in Suffolk already includes the National Emergencies Trust (NET), East Anglian Daily Times, Community Action Suffolk, Suffolk Association of Local Councils, Suffolk County Council, District and Boroughs Councils and all those involved in Suffolk’s ‘Home But Not Alone’ initiative. The Rebuilding local lives campaign has today been given a kick start with a major donation from Ed Sheeran. For more information click here


Free business webinar (retail)

The Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy will be hosting a free webinar this Thursday (28/05/2020) for those in the retail sector. The webinar will cover how to make your workplace COVID-secure: For more information click here.

Other free webinars can be found here.


School transport FAQs

With more children expected on Suffolk school transport from next week please find attached a set of frequently asked questions including a poster. These have been designed to be shared with families and children to help them understand what it will be like on the transport and what is and what is not expected of them to remain safe. This document has been updated with the most recent guidance – which continues to be updated itself. For the most recent information, please refer and direct parents/carers to the Suffolk on Board website. (15.06.2020)

Lets stick with it Suffolk

Stick with it Suffolk

Leader of the council, Cllr Matthew Hicks has written an article about the campaign Stick with it Suffolk and how our actions together in Suffolk continue to slow the spread of the virus in our response to the Covid-19 pandemic. Click here to read. (15.06.2020)

Suffolk’s plan for more walking and cycling

Following the Government’s announcements on its conditional roadmap to reopen society after the COVID-19 lockdown, SCC has outlined its proposed plans for active travel improvements for walking and cycling in Suffolk. The interventions will ensure those people who need and want to make essential journeys and take daily exercise by foot or bike can do safely whilst maintaining social distancing. In line with the guidance, Suffolk County Council plans include closing off sections of roads to motorised vehicles, widening existing footpaths and cycle lanes, providing temporary footpaths and cycle lanes and changing traffic signal timings to reduce waiting times at puffin and toucan crossings. The Council has been allocated £337k from the Department of Transport, with the potential for further funding if the measures they put in place are successful. SCC are now seeking views on its proposals. For more information including details of the changes being considered click here. (15.06.2020)

Mental Health Support

As we begin to emerge from lockdown, GamCare and other helpline organisations are joining forces to make sure those who need them know their services are still here, still free and still confidential. Click here for more information. (15.06.2020)


One life Suffolk

During this difficult time, OneLife Suffolk is continuing to offer FREE services from home.

Please see OneLife website, https://onelifesuffolk.co.uk/ for more information about how they can support families, or call 01473 718193.


Central Government Guidance for reopening of schools

The government have produced a planning guide for primary school leaders to help prepare them to open their schools for more pupils during the coronavirus outbreak. Click here to read the guidance.


Suffolk Wellbeing service resources

Suffolk Wellbeing Service are continuing to offer a series or regular free webinars exploring how we can all look after our mental health and emotional wellbeing in these challenging times. The session will cover various hints and tips to help attendees look after their understandable worries, stress and low mood during what is a particularly challenging time. This is a live online presentation, where attendees log in on your computer, phone or tablet. A clinician will present the workshop via webcam. For more information on this and other resources available please visit; www.wellbeingnands.co.uk/suffolk/get-support/courses/


Hearts for Care Homes

Not having contact with loved ones has been difficult for all of us during the coronavirus pandemic, but has been particularly hard for people in care homes and on dementia wards. Suffolk Parent Carer network have launched a campaign called #HeartsForCareHomes to help people feel closer to their families while also learning new skills. They are asking people across Suffolk to knit or crochet pairs of hearts. One will then be given to the patient or resident and the other sent to their family, in turn helping bring them together despite the circumstances. For more information visit; https://spcn.org.uk/parent-carer-support/hearts-for-care-homes-3/


Government Cracks down on spread of false coronavirus information online

Specialist units are operating to combat misinformation about coronavirus and five to ten incidents are being identified and tackled each day.  To help the public spot false information the government is running the SHARE checklist and Don’t Feed The Beast campaign here. This gives the public five easy steps to follow to identify whether information may be misleading:

  • Source – make sure information comes from a trusted source
  • Headline – always read beyond the headline
  • Analyse – check the facts
  • Retouched – does the image or video look as though it has been doctored?
  • Error – look out for bad grammar and spelling

Don’t feed the Beast: https://sharechecklist.gov.uk/


Covid Updates

In the week up to the 27 October, there have been 3,917 new cases of COVID-19 in Suffolk. This is a decrease on the numbers in the previous week. The rate of new weekly cases in Suffolk has decreased slightly and is now, at 528.3 cases per 100,000 people. This is above the rates for the East of England region (523.8 / 100,000) and for England as a whole (484.1 / 100,000)…

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Suffolk Coronawatch Bulletin Overview

Suffolk Coronawatch Bulletin Overview

In the week up to May 5 there have been 144 new cases of COVID-19 in Suffolk. This is a drop of 48 cases on the previous week. The underlying rate of new weekly cases in Suffolk has risen and is now at 19.7 cases per 100,000 people. This rate is above the rates for the East of England region (19.1 / 100,000) but below England as a whole (22.6 / 100,000)…

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Contact the Parish Clerk

Contact info for the Parish Clerk or please complete the short form and we will be in touch.

Parish Clerk

3 Farriers Close, Great Barton, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP31 2FP

(if you wish to correspond directly with one of the Parish Councillors, then please contact the Clerk for details).

07508 039810

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