A note from your clerk – Cemetery Tidy Thank You
Thanks go out to our lovely regulars Mary and Sally for all their work in the Cemetery this Wednesday. We got loads done, including:
- Watering the new Cherries, which are establishing well
- Clearing Brambles from memorials and trees
- Moving some saplings into the hedge lines around the cemetery (we found five horse chestnusts, a holly, a hazle, four elder’s and an ash
We also did some general weeding, and spotted lots of wild flowers, including:
- Bluebells
- Cuckoo Pint
- Geranium
- Vetch
- Violets and
- Wild Strawberries
We have also found a colony of Cowslips. I’ve asked our grounds maintenance team to leave areas where the wild flowers have colonised for May to allow seed to set. This should ensure that they come back again next year. We’re trying to encourage wildlife and plants in the cemetery.
If you would like to join us, we meet on the first Wednesday of the month at 11:00 at the Chapel of Rest. Use this link to sign up. Hope to see you next month!