Wickhambrook & District Gardening Club
Now called Wickhambrook & District Gardening Club, the Wickhambrook Horticultural Society was formed in 1889 and is one of the oldest Societies in Wickhambrook.
During the summer months, we organise evening visits to local notable gardens, and have an annual coach visit to more distant locations.
We hold many events throughout the year including the Wickhambrook Flower Show.
Latest Wickhambrook Garden Club news …
Death in the Garden with Michael Brown
A joint meeting of the History and Horticultural Societies of Wickhambrook was held in October with a subject that included plenty of history and lots of gardening. Michael Brown’s talk was subtitled ‘Poisonous Plants – Magic, Myth and Passion’ and we were treated to a plant by plant analysis with historical anecdotes which was both fascinating and entertaining…
The Lost Gardens of Suffolk Talk by Edward Martin
Wickhambrook Local History Society and Wickhambrook Horticultural Society held a joint meeting in October. The speaker, Edward Martin, an archaeologist, talked on The Lost Gardens of Suffolk..
Lost Gardens of Suffolk
Wickhambrook History and Horticultural Societies jointly present Lost Gardens of Suffolk Friday 21st October…
Horticultural Society – Flower Show 2022
The Show was very successful this year, we still have unclaimed raffle prizes…
Wickhambrook Horticultural Society
We are back this year with a full programme of events…
Joint meetings of Hundon and Co-Horts
On 27th April 2019 a very successful meeting was held at Hundon Village Hall with Bob Flowerdew speaking on the subject of ‘No Work Gardening’. It was run jointly by Hundon, Cavendish, Wickhambrook and Clare Horticultural Societies. Bob gave a tongue-in-cheek and very entertaining talk, heavily laced with humour…
Our Club
New Members are VERY WELCOME
The Wickhambrook & District Garden Club is a thriving and vibrant Society. We hold regular monthly meetings with interesting speakers covering a wide spectrum of garden related subjects.
We have an Annual Summer Show, which is held at the beginning of July each year. The show includes classes for cookery, flower arranging and handicrafts as well as the usual horticultural classes. So there is something for everyone – including children.
Over its long history twenty five fine Cups and Trophies have been presented to the Society to be used as awards for the winners of the various classes at the Show.
If you are interested in joining our Club then please just come along to one of our meetings where you will be made most welcome.
Notices advertising speakers, etc. are displayed at various points in the village and on the hall noticeboard. Our talks usually last for about an hour and then we have a chat with other members whilst enjoying tea/coffee and biscuits. The talks cover a range of different aspects of gardening and our programme is planned to provide something of interest to each and everyone of us.
We have three Committee meetings during the year plus one ‘ladies meeting’ where we decide on the items for the Flower Show Schedule.
The Committee, which is elected at our AGM in November, is responsible for arranging meetings, outings and social events which are planned to be as varied and enjoyable as possible.
President – Joyce Draycott
Chair – Jackie Merry
Deputy Chairman & Publicity – Glen Puxley
Treasurer – Deirdre Smith
Programme Secretary – Matthew Lawfield
Show Secretary – Polly Puxley-Pituch
Our Annual Membership is £10, with meetings costing £2 to members and £3.50 to non-members. We would love to see some new members and you can be sure of a warm and friendly welcome.
Subscriptions are payable to the Treasurer each January.
Our Annual Flower Show
You can download your free Flower Show Schedule
The schedule includes your entry sheet which you should complete and hand in on Wednesday 10th July 2024 at the W.I. Hall between 6.30pm and 8.30pm.
Free copies can also be obtained from the Shop or by contacting our Chairman.
A Short History of Wickhambrook & District Garden Club

Founded as a colt show, but as the years went on the flower show took over.
Shows were held initially in meadows by the church and at Giffords Hall where tents were put up to afford shelter. When the recreation ground was ready the shows were held in Marquees there. Today our summer shows are held in the Memorial Social Centre.
The Victory show after the war was held at Denston Hall and in aid of the Red Cross, the Society was at that time known as the Wickhambrook, Denston and Stradishall Horticultural and Poultry Society and the show included a children’s pet corner, a pony gymkhana, poultry and rabbit shows, a baby show and a fun fair. There were also sports to compete in and much else to see and do. Now we have the carnival and various other events on Flower Show Day.

Our Centenary year, 1989, was a special one and saw many different events taking place, the highlight being when the Society played host to BBC Radios Gardeners Question Time, an excellent evening when we were joined by members of many other local societies. That year also the quest speaker at our annual dinner was Adam Pascoe, the then editor of Garden News. Then to crown our year our carnival float entitled Centenary 1889 – 1989, and complete with a model cake with 100 candles won the carnival cup.
The Society was also instrumental in planting a tree on the recreation ground in memory of Alf Hicks who was for many years committee member and Secretary and worked to hard for the Flower Show.
The Horticultural Society (oh alright, the Gardening Club) has some excellent speakers to interest and inform us of the many facets of gardening. Please come and join us.

RHS Website
More information can be found out about the RHS by visiting the Royal Horticultural Society website.