Suffolk Recorder
My name is Dorothy Anderson and I have lived in Wickhambrook for over 20 years.
I took over as History Recorder in 1997 when Alf Hicks died.

The Recorders’ Scheme was started 50 years ago by the Suffolk Local History Council, and it was their aim to have someone in each parish to ’obtain and record systematically every piece of evidence which may have the slightest bearing on the course of history in Suffolk’.
The idea then was to uncover the past, but that has changed, and Recorders now are asked to record what is happening at present in the parishes.
what it involves …
A Recorder is asked to see that the present is adequately recorded at local level, and to be on the look-out for items of historical interest which might otherwise be overlooked or lost for ever. This can be done by keeping a diary or a scrapbook, and by taking photographs.
I have a good collection of posters, tickets and programmes for village events and I take photographs of people and places and try to keep up with changes to properties and new buildings. I am a member of several organisations and this helps me to keep in touch.

I have to write a report every year, which is kept in the Record Office, and usually compile it from newspaper reports and personal knowledge. Unlike my predecessor, I am not able to attend every meeting of every organisation, so I am very grateful to those clubs and societies who keep me informed of their activities.
I am also indebted to the Parish Council who sponsor me each year. This helps with the cost of films, developing, folders and files.
A Recorder is only as good as the information she can collect, so if you are arranging an event, building or demolishing a house, or just want to be sure that your organisation is included in the Annual Report, please let me know.
how you can help …
New buildings, extensions or changes to properties in the village.
Take a look at the report by the History Society following the event ‘Wickhambrook Discovers its Past‘.
Any events taking place in the village would be recorded as recent history.
Old photos that are not wanted by the family then please consider donating them.
If you wish to send images to accompany any news or other items or for our galleries, please upload them using this online form
News and Photo Galleries …
2023 Recorder Report for Wickhambrook
A look through 2023 in Wickhambrook