The Neighbourhood Plan Working Group (NPWG) has been working with AECOM to provide a Development Plan, of the new site at Bunters Road. Our consultation on the draft options for this site – see below for more information.
(photo images by Jim and Gwen Ashling).
You should have received a detailed leaflet on the options identified by AECOM. If you haven’t received one, please do contact the NPWG to get a copy.
The Working Group has asked me to remind you all that they are also hosting a couple of drop-in sessions with display boards at a range of events throughout the parish over the next two weeks. Please do drop by and see them to find out more, ask any questions or just have a chat about the options before you complete the survey.
- Saturday 15 April 11.30 to 1.30 – Fish and Chip queue at MSC
- Sunday 16 April 9.00 to 1.00 – Coltsfoot Green veg stall
However you choose to submit your views:
- Dropping the tear off questionnaire in the collecting box in the old BT phone box near the shop
- Completing the survey by going online,
- or e-mailing the working group at
Please let them have your feedback by 16 April 2023.