Over the autumn, we have:
- Looked at Community Actions (to be included in the Neighbourhood Plan) from the Household Questionnaire
- Published the Design Guidance and Codes to guide future planning/building in the parish, commissioned as part of the Technical Assistance grant
- Had the financial element of the grant application approved, which covers:
- further consultations of the parish on both the outcome of the Master planning technical advice, and later, the draft Neighbourhood Plan (including publishing costs, printed materials, meetings, officer and consultant time and access costs) and
- a landscape appraisal
- Met with officers of West Suffolk Council’s Planning team and discussed options for Master planning of the proposed allocated site. In light of guidance from West Suffolk and the outcome of the consultation process to date, the Neighbourhood Plan working group has decided to explore further stages of planning for the proposals set out in Preferred Options
- Instructed the master design planning drafting for the Preferred Options site noting that there being very clear opposition to the site being mixed-use, the design should consider housing only and under West Suffolk guidelines include mixture of housing types, affordable housing and self-build plots. However, taking into account West Suffolk Council’s preferred option for a mixed-use site (residential and employment), the Master planning team will also look at options for mixed use.
You can find additional documents uploaded to the Neighbourhood Plan pages by following these links:
- Timeline
- Meeting Notes – 14th July and 21st July
- NP Update to September Parish Council Meeting