Update – March 2023
The Wickhambrook Neighbourhood Plan Working Group has continued to be busy. Since you last saw us at the flower show in the Summer West Suffolk Council finished its consultation on their preferred site for building 40 homes and other Buildings, to which we and the parish council provided a detailed response. The land alongside Bunters Road is now West Suffolk Council’s preferred location for any new homes and other premises in our parish.
A draft copy of the Landscape appraisal of all sites offered up under SHELAA and preferred options has been received, and this report will form part of the Neighbourhood Plan support package.
You can also find the Design Code on our web pages (see published documents) which will help shape the way any new development looks and give guidance to any new building and importantly will be part of our Neighbourhood Plan.
Finally the group has been working with AECOM to provide a Development Plan, of the new site at Bunters Road. Our consultation on the draft options for this site goes live on 30th March,
(photo images by Jim and Gwen Ashling) and you should soon receive a detailed leaflet on the options identified by AECOM, together with a tear off questionnaire for you to submit your views, which you can leave in the collecting box in the old BT phone box near the shop. Alternatively, you can complete the survey by going online, or e-mailing the working group at . However you choose to respond, please let us have your feedback by 16 April 2023.