PLEASE NOTE – unfortunately we have had to postpone the bulb planting due to supply issues with the bulbs – a new date will be arranged.
Our lovely lay member, Mary Jolland, who looks after Environment and Sustainability, has worked with the Estates Committee to purchase some autumn flowering bulbs for the cemetery. We have a day scheduled for planting them and tidying up in the cemetery on Wednesday 31st August between 11am and 3pm. We’d love to see you there!
Roger Medley, our lay member who looks after the footpaths, has also been working with Suffolk Public Rights of Way and we have a volunteer training day arranged, again on Wednesday 31st August. If you would like to come along, and find out more about how you can help with maintaining the footpaths and reporting any problems, please contact me, to sign up (we have three places).
Hope to see you there on the day!!