A Note from Your Clerk – Please be careful on Footpath 24 (from Coltsfoot Green to Cloak Lane)

22nd July 2024 | Parish Clerk Report

Hello, there is now some additional fencing at the top of the ditch running alongside Footpath 24 (this runs from Coltsfoot Green to Cloak Lane, starting at Coltsfoot Close).  Please be very careful when walking the section of the path which follows the ditch – the bank is very steep (the drop is around 2 metres) and in some places the stream seems to be undercutting the bank.

Footpath 24 fencing

The parish council has been in touch with Suffolk Public Rights of Way, and we are trying to find out who the land owner is so that we can work with them to ensure that this stretch of the footpath can be made safe.  Please get in touch with me if you can help

Landowners, please could you ensure that where footpaths run over your land, that the paths are kept clear (both underfoot and from side growth)?  It would be very much appreciated.

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