A note from your clerk – please be considerate when parking to use the surgery

9th December 2024 | Parish Clerk Report

I’ve had some further complaints from residents in Boyden Close about parking issues near the Surgery.

Please drive slowly and carefully and remember that local residents need to be able to get in and out of their driveways.  Blocking access through poor parking on verges, pavements or on both sides of a narrow access road can impede visibility, making accidents more likely, and could prevent the access of emergency vehicles.

I’ve received the following advice from Suffolk Constabulary:

If someone has blocked  your driveway so that you can’t drive in, we appreciate this can be very frustrating.  If you can find the owner of the vehicle, we’d first recommend asking them politely to move it.  If you can’t find them, try leaving a note on the windscreen.  After all, they may not realise they have caused a problem. 

If a person has blocked your driveway and is preventing you from getting your own vehicle out, we may be able to help.  You can report antisocial behaviour online.

The parish council looked at a number of road safety issues at its November meeting, and is looking to recruit more volunteers to its Road Safety Working Group.  We also now have a Community Speedwatch Group.  Please do contact me if you would like to join, or find out more about them!

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