A note from your Clerk – ponies being ridden on footpaths across the parish

11th March 2025 | General News

Photo credit to: howard r wheeler – unsplash

Hello, we’ve recently had some reports of ponies being ridden on footpaths across the parish.

There is some very useful guidance on the Government website about us of public rights of way:

You can use:

  • footpaths – for walking, running, mobility scooters or powered wheelchairs
  • bridleways – for walking, horse riding, bicycles, mobility scooters or powered wheelchairs
  • restricted byways – for any transport without a motor and mobility scooters or powered wheelchairs
  • byways open to all traffic – for any kind of transport, including cars (but they’re mainly used by walkers, cyclists and horse riders)

Within Wickhambrook, there are three bridleways (green) and two byways (brown), which are accessible to horse riding.


The main byway, BOAT 31, also links in with the network of Quiet Lanes.

Map of Quiet Lanes

There is also some useful guidance on using Quiet Lanes for horseriding which you can find on the main Quiet Lanes web pages.

If you are out and about as a group with friends and/or family on horseback, please keep to the bridleways, byways and Quiet Lanes.