West Suffolk Council have advised that the paper banks will soon be removed from the community centre as they have become uneconomical to empty. You can still make use of your blue recycling bin to recycle paper and card as well as the metals and plastic pictured on the guide to the left.
Recycling helps the environment by reducing carbon emissions. It also reduces the need for new products to be made from raw materials.
It’s important to put the right items into your recycling bin. Currently around 10,000 tonnes (about 20%) of the items we collect in Suffolk is rejected due to the wrong items being placed in the recycling bins.
Why is this a problem?
Quality is key – Companies that use your recyclables to make new products will not accept spoiled items.
- It’s wasteful– Putting the wrong items into your recycling bin also means that good items will become ‘spoiled’ and won’t get recycled.
- It’s expensive– Cleaning up spoiled items costs Suffolk’s taxpayers over £1,000,000 a year.
- It could be dangerous– Spoiled items are unpleasant and dangerous for staff at Suffolk’s Recycling Facility to remove. This often has to be done by hand.
Remember that all items need to be empty, clean and dry when you put them in your recycling bin. Please do not include any bagged items.