A recent meeting with a Community Liaison Engineer from Suffolk County Council has helped to clarify some aspects of road and verge maintenance. I’ll be doing a more detailed update for the website, but thought that this might help in the meantime.
Roadside Grips
Suffolk County Council doesn’t have a maintenance programme for grips in the same way that it does for drainage gullies. Any reports regarding grips – or requests for new grips are logged and assessed on a site by site basis. In some instances it will arrange these reactively, in others they will be progressed as resources become available. Generally Suffolk County Council will dig out existing grips, or install new ones in locations where there are historic flooding reports or in areas where normal works will not provide a solution. Any reports will be visited by its Highways Assessment Officer.
If you’re aware of any Grips that need either digging out or installing to mitigate flooding issues, please log a report on Suffolk County Council’s “Report a Problem” pages, which you can access through the parish website: Reporting Problems – Wickhambrook Village.