A note from your clerk – Suffolk Police and Crime Commissioner Precept Survey

19th January 2024 | County Council News

A request from the Police and Crime Commissioner for Suffolk:

PRECEPT SURVEY: PCC proposes increase in precept to fund Constabulary in 2024/25

As your Police and Crime Commissioner, setting the policing budget is one of my most important responsibilities. I must ensure that the Chief Constable has the resources required to provide an efficient and effective service.

Later this month I will need to make a decision about the policing element of the council tax precept. I am planning to ask the Police and Crime Panel to support my proposal to raise the policing element of the precept by £13 a year (for a Band D property) to enable us to maintain the standard of service that the public expect.

I would be very grateful if you could take part in the survey (link below) and let me know what you think.  Could I also ask you to forward this on to anyone else you think may be interested to comment.


Please go to my website for more detail.

Tim Passmore
Police & Crime Commissioner for Suffolk

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