A note from your clerk – Thank you everyone…

12th February 2024 | Parish Clerk Report

Thank you everyone who came along on Wednesday morning and helped with the hedge planting on Cemetery Road – a fantastic turnout!

We were able to plant the hedge, put in a chestnut paling fence behind it for protection, and infil some gaps along the rest of the hedgeline, and even clear some of the leaves and use them for mulch.  We were really fortunate with the weather, and I’m sure the rain in the last few days has helped too.

Thanks also go out to our Suffolk County Councillor, Bobby Bennett, for funding the cost of the hedging, and to the lovely ladies at Warm Winter Wednesday in the WI Hall, for the lovely refreshments afterwards.  Don’t forget to pop along on 14th, 21st and 28th February (12noon – 3pm) for refreshments, board games and a chat – it’s a great way to meet old friends and make new ones!

We start back with our Cemetery Tidy mornings on 6th March (10am – 1pm) – do drop me a line, or sign up through the individual events on the welcome page of the website

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