information from Strategic Pipelines
Anglian Water strategic water network programme – route planning in your area.
We wanted to get in touch to update you on the strategic water network programme from Bury to Haverhill that we previously wrote to you about in February 2021.
This pipeline, part of our 25-year Water Resources Management Plan for the East of England, will enable us to reduce the amount of water we take from the environment.
It will also strengthen resilience for communities in your area by reducing the number of homes and businesses which rely on a single water source.
What work have we done so far?
We are currently identifying the likely routes for this pipeline and considering timescales for delivery. We are seeking to identify a route that minimises the impact to the local environment and disruption to the community.
What’s happening next?
You may see our teams carrying out survey work and, in some areas, limited investigations of sites of archaeological interest. This preliminary work will be taking place over the next few months (in accordance with the current government advice during this period).
As part of this survey work we will be investigating our existing assets in the area. We appreciate that our asset investigation work may impact some people within your area and we are in contact with landowners and farmers about the proposed preferred route. This intrusive survey work will involve digging holes and trial pits to investigate the underlying assets.
We’ve identified six locations along the preferred route where we will be carrying out our investigations starting in June.
We anticipate that our teams will be on site for approximately ten weeks depending on weather conditions.
How to get in touch
We’d be very happy to share more detail on our plans with you and we would gladly answer any questions via email, letters, conference and telephone calls.
You can contact us via our Customer Centre, call us on 03457 145145, quoting Ref 58330696 or email if you have any questions or comments.