Wickhambrook Baby and Toddler Group
The Baby and Toddler Group in Wickhambrook is a very friendly, relaxed place where mums, dads, grandparents and anyone who cares for young children locally can come to chat while the children play amongst themselves and also join in with the children’s games. The group welcomes everyone with children aged from new born babies upwards.
If you want to find out about the group you can come along to the first session for free and if you would like to come again the charge is £3.00 per session.
We meet every Wednesday morning from 9.45am – 11.45am at the MSC.
You will be made very welcome.
The group has events throughout the year
Seasonal Events
We have seasonal and themed events throughout the year.
We always have a Christmas Tree and a Christmas Party.
Occasional Trips
The children have a large room to play in with lots of toys, we bring out a different selection each week!
The group is very informal with a friendly atmosphere, your first visit is free so you can check it out!
The proceeds from the sessions are used to buy more toys, fund summer outings and purchase snacks for the group.
Parents and carers get a chance to chat and have a hot cup of tea (and often cake) while children have their snacks.
There are currently about 12 to 15 children attending from the local and surrounding villages.
The group is run by Anna, but everyone helps out and we do not have a committee. The group runs term times only.