Be a Message Cascader and help us to Keep Suffolk Safe

21st October 2020 | Parish Council News, Wickhambrook Together


by County Councillor Mary Evans

Please see below information about a new campaign to encourage everyone to help share information about keeping themselves and others safe as part of the Covid-19 response.  The web page, which will include the infographic in 11 other languages is due to go live by the end of this week. 

We need to do this to reduce the spread of the virus. We need as many people as possible to share the advice with family, friends, neighbours, community groups and any other networks that you have. None of us wants to have to go into  further lockdown. Together, we need to reach as many people as possible to ensure they have the most up to date information available and to help avoid the confusion some people are feeling.

Anyone can be a Message Cascader, if you would like to go on the distribution list to receive new infographics directly as soon as they become available, please email .  The more people we reach the more we can help keep our communities safe – these messages will help remind everyone how to do that.

Be a Message Cascader and help us to Keep Suffolk Safe.

Keep Suffolk Safe infographic

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