Our monthly meeting was about stained glass and the speaker, Christopher Parkinson, who is presently co-authoring a book on stained glass in Essex was the perfect person to guide us through local examples of this art and craft…
Wickhambrook WI October Meeting – Saving Water
This month we welcomed two very different speakers on the theme of “Saving Water”. Lesli Tunbridge is the WI Climate Ambassador and Richard Farrow is Delivery Support Manager for Water Recycling Maintenance at Anglian Water…
Wickhambrook WI September Meeting : The Members Take Over!
Once a year the committee are given a break and the members take over the running of the monthly meeting. We never know what to expect at these meetings and this year was no exception! At the start of the meeting we were sitting in groups around tables with a quiz to...
Early Football
I am researching evidence of football prior to 1860 and it has become clear to me that it is likely that there is far more than hitherto believed. The British Newspaper Archive has already unearthed a multitude of references from c 1740 that have upset the orthodox...
Overpaid, Oversexed and Over Here, The Friendly Invasion
Geoffrey Kay’s talk, entitled ‘Overpaid, Oversexed and Over Here’ was subtitled ‘The Friendly Invasion’ and that seems to me to be a kinder description of the events in East Angila during the Second World War. Over three million American troops came to Britain during...
W.I. – The Life of a GP
At the August Meeting we welcomed our local GP from Wickhambrook Surgery, Dr Khan, together with Caroline George who is the Deputy Practice Manager…
History Society Visit to All Saints Church, Wickhambrook
A group of more than 30 members and friends gathered at All Saints Church on a beautiful summer evening to have a tour of the building with Churchwarden Paul Bevan…
Visit to The Scores, Lowestoft & Lunch at Kitchener’s Hotel
Our July trip to Lowestoft was a great success with easy travel in the CLASP minibus, good weather and lunch in a unique venue…
W.I. – Wickhambrook Through the Ages – Visit to the Suffolk Archives
The July meeting of Wickhambrook WI found us at the Suffolk Archives in Bury St Edmunds where we spent a fascinating two hours looking at documents relating to the village of Wickhambrook and records of the WI…
Thirteenth Wickhambrook WI Literary Lunch
Unlucky for some but this year’s 13th Literary Lunch was deemed an all out success! The two WI Reading Groups hosted a successful event in the WI Hall on Saturday 17th June…
Morris Dancing Demonstration and have a go workshop – The Green Dragon Morris Troupe
Making the most of the warm summer evening, this month the WI threw open the doors and took the meeting outside…
W.I. Big Help Out
On the Bank Holiday Monday of the Coronation weekend members of Wickhambrook WI were busy taking part in several schemes intended to improve areas of the village…
Conserving Antarctic Heritage
Although we are a local history society, it is good to be taken out of our Suffolk world occasionally and our May meeting did just that…
Wickhambrook WI Coronation Tea Party
With two consecutive Bank Holidays to choose from Wickhambrook WI decided to host a pre- Coronation Tea Party on the 29th April in the WI Hall…
2023 AGm & Talk on the Worlingworth Jubilee Painting
At the AGM, the present committee were all re-elected, with the addition of Jenny Barley. The speaker for the evening was Geoffrey Robinson who talked on the Worlingworth Jubilee painting…
W.I. Meeting – Beach Bonkers
This was the title of the March Meeting of Wickhambrook WI. Kate Osbourne came and launched into a passionate and damning description of what is happening to our beaches…
A Guide to Anglo-Saxon East Anglia
Our planned speaker for the evening was laid low by Covid so we were very lucky to have Martyn Roper to talk to us at very short notice. His subject was A Guide to Anglo-Saxon East Anglia, and we had a whistle-stop tour of many sites, some well-known and others more obscure…
W.I. Meeting – Meet the Local Artist
For our February Meeting our local artist, Amanda Barrett came to give a demonstration on how to compose a small oil painting…
Silk Weaving in Sudbury
Richard Heap who works for the firm of Stephen Walters &Son in Sudbury as Quality Manager was the very interesting speaker at our meeting this month. He gave us an overview of the history of the company and of its continuing success in the modern world…
W.I. Meeting – My Wish Charity Supporting West Suffolk Hospital
Our first meeting of the New Year welcomed two representatives from the My Wish Charity which is attached to local hospitals in Suffolk. We have previously supported this charity by donating money raised from our Friday Tea Parties…
What did you do in the war, Grandad
It is always a pleasure to have a talk from one of our members and our year started with a real treat. Adrian Maasz’s talk was entitled ‘What did you do in the war, Grandad?’ and was, in his words, a potted history of military medals…
W.I. 2022 Christmas Party
As this was our WI Christmas Party, there was no official business to begin the evening. Members were greeted by canapés and a glass of Prosecco or a soft drink to start the evening off…
Justin Brooke Ltd historical photos
Two new photos have been added to the History Society archives…
Wickhambrook W.I. Christmas Shopping Event 2022
A very successful Christmas Shopping Event was held in the WI Hall on Saturday 3rd December. An array of colourful stalls was on offer, some managed by WI members and several by outside stall holders…
W.I. Meeting – Talk from Suffolk Police
This month’s talk was given by members of the Suffolk Police and proved to be an enlightening look into modern police work…
Welcome my Lord Sir Christemas
Members of the Local History Society left the Hall after the November meeting with their heads full of thoughts of Christmas past. From Yule logs to boar’s heads, Sarah Doig, the speaker for the evening, took us on a journey…
Wickhambrook Beavers out on Parade on Remembrance Sunday 2022
Wickhambrook Beavers out on Parade on Remembrance Sunday 2022
Ukulele Band Concert at the W.I.
Wickhambrook WI hosted a lively concert by the Ukulele Band of Bury St Edmunds on Saturday 29th October in the WI Hall. The band has played at the hall previously and two of our members were so taken with the idea of playing the ukulele that they subsequently joined the group!
W.I. Meeting Report – Vegetable Sculpting
The term “Vegetable Sculpting” conjures up all sorts of images but it turned out to be more of an artistic display. Chris Burford turned out to be a former chef who had worked in several top class hotel kitchens in London and around the world…
The Lost Gardens of Suffolk Talk by Edward Martin
Wickhambrook Local History Society and Wickhambrook Horticultural Society held a joint meeting in October. The speaker, Edward Martin, an archaeologist, talked on The Lost Gardens of Suffolk..