On Friday the Local Outbreak Engagement Board had an update about Suffolk’s roll-out of the vaccines programme and also mass-testing…
General News
Project to help small to medium local businesses apply for innovation grants – Message from Mary Evans, Suffolk County and West Suffolk District Councillor
There is a new project being launched to help small to medium local businesses apply for innovation grants…
Help Active Suffolk shape their Children & Young People offer!
At Active Suffolk we are currently working to revise our offer to Children and Young People across the county by revising our five year plan. As part of this work, we have teamed up with Healthwatch Suffolk to carry out some research…
National Avian Flu Alert
On Wednesday 11 November 2020, the UK Chief Veterinary Officer declared a national Avian Influenza Prevention Zone (AIPZ) covering all of England to reduce the risk of the disease spreading…
West Suffolk Christmas bin collections 2020
Boxing Day this year falls on a Saturday, which means Monday 28 December is being taken as a substitute bank holiday and all bin collections will be later than usual. Please check the chart below to see when your collection is due…
Grant Funding Available to businesses
As part of its national restriction measures, the Government has announced grant funding to be paid out by councils to businesses that have, as a result, been told to close…
Please do not use the Zip Wire until further notice
Following a visual inspection of the Zip Wire the parish team has taken the decision to take it out of use until a service visit by the installers has been completed. Please do not use the Zip Wire until further notice…
Home, But Not Alone phoneline goes live again today
The Home, But Not Alone free phoneline, which supports vulnerable people in our communities who may be struggling with the impact of Coronavirus, was paused in August because of low demand and the lifting of Covid-19 restrictions. However, in light of Thursday’s national lockdown, the service is now up and running again…
Suffolk Coronawatch Bulletin
Rising infection rates in Suffolk are causing concern. None of us wants to see our county go up into a higher Covid Control tier requiring tighter restrictions. It is up to all of us to play our part…
Remembrance Sunday 2020
This year there is no formally organised Remembrance Sunday ceremony at Wickhambrook Cemetery. The Cemetery is open (as it has been throughout the year), and a representative from the Royal British Legion will be laying a wreath and reading the names of those on the war memorial at 12 noon on Sunday 8th November…
Make the right choices this Hallowe’en: don’t give coronavirus the chance to spread
Over Halloween with the number of Covid-19 cases increasing across Suffolk, residents must please keep following the guidance to stop the virus spreading…
Sunnica Energy Farm: statutory consultation
The parish Council has received notice of a Statutory Consultation on the Sunnica Energy Farm proposals (for southwest Cambridgeshire)…
Litter Picking
Although at present the parish council can only arrange litter picking in groups of not more than 6 due to COVID-19 restrictions, West Suffolk Council are now supporting individual litter pickers in their area…
Be a Message Cascader and help us to Keep Suffolk Safe
Information about a new campaign to encourage everyone to help share information about keeping themselves and others safe as part of the Covid-19 response…
West Suffolk Consultation on Issues and Options – Virtual Exhibition and Consultation is open until 22nd December 2020
Issues and Options consultation – Tuesday 13 October (9am) to Tuesday 22 December (5pm) 2020. West Suffolk is starting to develop its Local Plan. A local plan provides a vision for the growth and development of an area and policies which sets out the way that the plan aims to meet the housing, employment, social and community needs of an area while at the same time protecting and enhancing the natural, built and historic environment…
Suffolk Risk Level update – Message from Mary Evans, Suffolk County and West Suffolk District Councillor
News about social distancing, coronavirus testing and general information for Public Health Suffolk…
Support line to help those with financial, job or housing worries
A phoneline has gone live as of 1 October to help people across Suffolk access information or support relating to debt, benefits, housing or employment…
Clare Community Hub – Memories are Golden
“Memories Are Golden” (based in Haverhill) are going to be running sessions at Clare Social Club to provide a supportive and caring environment for sufferers of dementia and their carers. A two-course lunch is provided, along with activities and respite space. Nursing care is on hand, as well as advice and guidance. This group is not solely for people living with dementia; it’s also for those over the age of 65 that are at risk of social isolation…
Beware of Green Homes Grant Scammers
The Government has launched the Green Homes Grant, designed to help homeowners and landlords with the costs of installing energy efficient improvements in the home. However, when the government launches high profile schemes like this, criminals will try to cash in and exploit those wishing to take up the scheme…
TV License Scam
TV Licensing is writing directly to anyone affected by the changes. No one needs to do anything until they receive this letter, and there will be plenty of time to set up a licence…
Walk around the Thurlows and Little Bradley
This 3.7 mile circuit runs from Great Thurlow to Little Bradley and back alongside the River Stour. There is a choice of routes for the last half mile but these directions give the ‘high street’ alternative which takes in several interesting buildings such as the Olde School built in 1614 by Sir Stephen Soame (one time Lord Mayor of London) to provide free education to sons of local farmers who were taught ‘English, Latin and Ciphering ’(arithmetic). ..
Brockley Circuit
This is a circular route around the village of Brockley and has the proud distinction of never visiting the village of Brockley. The 7 mile circuit makes use of the Bury St Edmunds to Clare long distance walk in the north/south direction and an old green lane cum bridleway in the south/north direction. There are sufficient undulations and views and variation to make life interesting without providing too much of a struggle. Most of the circuit is either on field edges, or tracks, or through grassy meadows or bridleways but there is one short cross-field section towards the end. In the middle of January this was very sticky. For reassurance take your copy of Ordnance Survey Explorer map 211 Bury St Edmunds and Stowmarket with you…
Hargrave and Chevington
The walk explores the countryside around and between the two villages making use of mainly field edge paths and quiet country roads. There are some gentle slopes and the circuit is a mix of wide open spaces and village edges. At almost 7 miles it is a longer walk than usual but when you reach the seats in Chevington churchyard you are more than halfway round…
Track & Trace QR Code
From today (24th September), hospitality businesses, close contact services such as hairdressers and beauty salons, leisure, sports and visitor attractions as well as community and villages halls need to display a NHS QR code…
Suffolk residents who have been contact by someone purporting to be the Police
We have been made aware of two very recent incidents of Suffolk residents who have been contact by someone purporting to be the Police…
Fake Penalty Charge email
We’ve seen a number of reports of people receiving this fake Penalty Charge email. The email claims the recipient has driven on a road that has a charging scheme and as such a penalty is payable…
Suffolk CoronaWatch
Suffolk’s CoronaWatch is the online home of data and information produced under the Suffolk Joint Strategic Needs Assessment about COVID-19. It can be accessed 24 hours a day…
#YourFuture #YourSay on West Suffolk Local Plan
People’s views will be at the heart of forming a new Local Plan for West Suffolk which will help shape the future of communities and supporting development up to 2040…
Covid Blues – poem
Poem by Wendy Mansfield written whilst in lockdown
Volunteering Opportunity- The Voluntary Network
Do you enjoy making friends and chatting to people? Our Befriending Service could be for you!