You may be aware that West Suffolk Council declared a climate change emergency in 2019 and Cabinet agreed an ambitious environmental action plan in July 2020, that included establishing more Electric Vehicle infrastructure to support residents and businesses in switching to EVs…
Parish Council News
Information from West Suffolk Council
Part of our work in housing is help support vulnerable people so they can carry on living in their own home and not have to go into hospital or care. Together with Suffolk’s other district councils and the County Council, set up the Independent Living in Suffolk service (ILS) back in December to replace an outside service whose contract had come to an end…
Willow Heart added to the Parish Sign
The parish council commissioned Louis Goody of Elms Forge and Fabrication to fabricate an ornamental metal heart to celebrate and commemorate the kindness of residents of Wickhambrook towards one another during the pandemic in 2020…
2021 Recipient of the Alf Hicks Biscuit Barrel Award
The recipient of the Biscuit Barrel in 2021 for services to Wickhambrook is Julie Little. During the lockdown willow hearts were made by Julie Little, bringing happiness to people around the village…
Change of Parish Council Meeting date
The Parish Council meeting due to take place on the 29th of July, has been brought forward to the 22nd of July…
Multi-Use Games Area
Our Multi-Use Games Area (MUGA) suffered some damage in the storms over the May Bank Holiday. We are looking at options to either repair or replace it. It may also be an opportunity to look at upgrading the games surface…
Road safety project in our village – THE UPDATE!
In response to a road traffic accident in 2018 and heightened concerns of residents, the school and villagers, Wickhambrook Parish Council set up a road safety working group, just over a year ago, to explore all the options for road safety specifically in the vicinity of Wickhambrook Primary Academy. The working party includes local villagers, a school governor, the head teacher and a representative from the Parish Council…
Quiet Lanes Consultation
Wickhambrook Parish Council Quiet Lanes Consultation…
Housing Needs Survey for Wickhambrook
Last Autumn West Suffolk Council consulted on Issues and Options for a new local plan. One of the key concerns many residents raised with the parish council, was the need for affordable housing for Wickhambrook residents. For this reason, we have decided to carry out a more detailed survey to try and get a better understanding of future housing need for the village…
Latest VAS data for B1063
Infographic on the speeds recorded on B1063 near Wickhambrook School…
A Joint Parish Council & Memorial Social Centre Open Day
The Parish Council and MSC work hard to promote, respond to and improve a wide range of issues in Wickhambrook. The last year has been difficult for everyone with the pandemic, and we wanted to create an opportunity to celebrate some of our achievements over the past year, and to look forward to some ongoing and new projects in the parish, working more closely as a team…
Public Notice of Rights of Inspection 2020-2021
The public notice and rights, and documents relating to the 2020 – 2021 Annual Audit can be found under Financial Documents and Audit 2020-21…
Repairs to the verges on Cemetery Road
The Parish Council have just heard from Logan Homes that they’re expecting the repairs to the verges to be done next week, but not later than the end of May…
Suffolk Coronawatch Bulletin Overview
In the week up to May 5 there have been 144 new cases of COVID-19 in Suffolk. This is a drop of 48 cases on the previous week. The underlying rate of new weekly cases in Suffolk has risen and is now at 19.7 cases per 100,000 people. This rate is above the rates for the East of England region (19.1 / 100,000) but below England as a whole (22.6 / 100,000)…
Footpath 25 Drainage Improvement Works
Next week (w/c 10th May), Suffolk County Council Public Rights of Way Team are starting work to improve the drainage of the first 50 metres of Footpath 25 from the Coltsfoot Green end…
Games Area and Skate Park closed until further notice
The Parish Council has had to close the Games Area and Skate Park until further notice whilst the panelling is replaced. We’ve noticed that some of the boards are being made use of as temporary dens…
Play Area bin
The Bin in the main play area at the Recreation is regularly overfilled – please, if you see that the bin is nearly full, could you use the large combined bin just outside the play area…
Annual Parish Meeting
The Parish Council will not be holding the Annual Parish Meeting between 1 March and 30 June in the year 2021 – please read for more details…
Statement of Persons Nominated & Notice of Poll – Wickhambrook
Statement of Persons Nominated and Notice of Poll for the elections to be held on 6 May 2021
Census 2021 – it’s not too late!
While Sunday 21 March marked the day that millions of people across England and Wales completed their census returns, for those who have not yet submitted their online or paper questionnaires or have maybe misplaced their invitation letter, it’s not too late!
Recent speed data from Vehicle Activated Signs in Wickhambrook
In 2017 Wickhambrook Parish Council purchased a vehicle activated sign (VAS), which is used to collect data on vehicle speeds from seven locations in the parish – these signs don’t collect identifying information on the vehicles, simply the speeds at which they are travelling as they go past the sign…
Advice from the Clerk – Letter received from West Suffolk about an additional business grant
A new business grant that we are launching today for those customer facing businesses that remain open but have seen their takings severely impacted by the COVID-19 restrictions…
News from the Clerk
News about Vaccination updates, Keep Suffolk Moving, Discover Suffolk and new recycling campaign aims to get Suffolk’s recycling right…
Co-option of councillor
Wickhambrook Parish Council has a vacancy for a councillor which can now be filled by co-option (no election having been requested). If you care about the area that you live or work in and the issues facing local people, you could be a councillor…
Message from Cllr John Griffiths, Leader of West Suffolk Council, to Town & Parish Councils : Business Grants
A message from the leader of West Suffolk Council… I’m writing to let you know about the latest business grants available…
Message from Mary Evans, Suffolk County and West Suffolk District Councillor
Here is a list of helpful phone numbers where you can get help and support during lockdown – do please share these number…
Suffolk County Council consultation on shaping guidance for new housing developments in suffolk
Wickhambrook Parish Council has been approached through its County Association about a Suffolk County Council consultation on shaping street guidance for new developments. This is a consultation on an update of their existing guidance on design of streets for all users. This consultation is open to all members of the public…
Suffolk Coronawatch Bulletin
Welcome to the Coronawatch Bulletin. This bulletin provides an update on the current Covid-19 situation in Suffolk along with updates on the work being carried out as part of Suffolk’s Local Outbreak Control Plan…
Fake Text re Covid-19 Test
Please be aware there are scammers at work trying to capitalise on our fears over catching Covid and our keenness to be vaccinated and a fake text is being circulated. Do not reply…
West Suffolk Issues and Options consultation – zoom meeting
At its November meeting Wickhambrook Parish Council agreed a response to West Suffolk’s consultation on Issues and Options—the first stage in its developing a new local plan…