I’ve received information from Anglian Water regarding their planned new pipeline for development in 2023…
Parish Clerk Report
A note from your clerk… Planting Autumn Bulbs
PLEASE NOTE – unfortunately we have had to postpone the bulb planting due to supply issues with the bulbs – a new date will be arranged…
A note from your Clerk – August 2022
It has been a busy spring and summer for all of us at the Parish Council, with work on all our on-going projects, our regular Parish Council and Estate meetings, Annual Meetings and Community Engagement Events at both the Queen’s Jubilee Picnic and the Wickhambrook Fete and Flower Show. I can’t believe summer is almost over, and I’m sure we’re all looking forward to cooler weather and some rain for the garden!
A note from your Clerk… Work to Culvert at Coltsfoot Green
In April the Estates Committee approved work to the banks of the culvert between the pond and the bridge to improve the structure of the banks. The contractor hopes to start week commencing 15th August, and is likely to be on site for one or two days…
A note from your clerk – Cost of Living Crisis
I recently came across information about a new one-stop online platform that allows people in need to receive grants and other support from charities and local authorities…
A note from your clerk – Information from Suffolk Police
You may see an increased police presence in the area. Detectives are investigating a robbery that occurred at the Clare Post Office…
A note from your Clerk… 40 new homes for Wickhambrook
On behalf of the Neighbourhood Plan Working Group, I would like to thank everyone who popped to see us on Saturday at the Flower Show, and to remind you that the online survey 40 New Homes for Wickhambrook by 2040 will be closing on Wednesday Night. Please share your opinion if you haven’t already done so.
A message from your clerk…
Don’t forget to pop along to the Wickhambrook Fete and Flower Show on Saturday 9th July. Parish Councillors and the Neighbourhood Plan Working Group will be in the Parish Gazebo, with displays and updates on progress in preparing the Neighbourhood Plan. Drop in for a chat to find out more and take part in further surveys of your opinions!
A message from your clerk… Important dates for your diary
On Thursday 7th July there will be an Extraordinary Meeting of the Parish Council to consider a parish council response to West Suffolk District Council’s consultation on Preferred Options for the Local Plan…
A message from your Parish Clerk – Surviving Winter Home Heating Fuel Grant Support Scheme
West Suffolk Council have forwarded information about the Surviving Winter Home Heating Fuel Grant Support Scheme…
Message from your clerk – Bridge at Junction of Byway 31 and Footpath 42 Damaged – PLEASE DO NOT USE
Hello, our Footpaths Officer has reported to Suffolk Public Rights of Way that the bridge at the Junction of Byway 31 and Footpath 42 has been damaged. Suffolk Rights of Way had taped this bridge off and put a notice up, but these have been removed. They will be replaced as soon as possible, and PROW will be scheduling work to bring the bridge back into use. In the meantime, PLEASE DON’T USE THE BRIDGE!
A message from the Developing Skills Team
We can offer the opportunity to complete fully funded accredited units from level 1 to 4, also functional skills…
A Message from your clerk and the Neighbourhood Plan Working Group – West Suffolk Local Plan: Preferred Options Consultation
Hello, you may already have seen a post about the West Suffolk Local Plan Consultation on Preferred Options, which opened on 26th May, and runs until 26th July…
Suffolk Highways – Upcoming works – A143 Bury Road, Depden and A143 Bury Road, Wickhambrook
For your information, we are planning to carry out pre surface dressing road repairs, surface dressing and the re-installation of road markings and road studs, along A143 Bury Road, Depden and A143 Bury Road, Wickhambrook (from Bury Road, Depden to Giffords Lane, Wickhambrook)…
A note from your clerk – West Suffolk Council Consultation on preferred options for Local Plan
West Suffolk Council is running an online virtual exhibition, open to anyone to join and read through information, ask the project team questions and provide feedback via an online form…
A note from your clerk – BuzzyBee is back!
Hello, I’m so pleased to tell you that when Fenland Leisure were carrying out work in the play park at Cemetery Road last Friday, they were able to make repairs to BuzzyBee Springer and he is now back in use…
A Note from your clerk- repairs to Cemetery Road Play Park equipment
Hello, many of you will have seen that Fenland Leisure were at the Children’s Play Park on Friday 6th to undertake some maintenance work to the swings and replace the surface at one of the self closing gates. Unfortunately, we’ve had to say good bye to BusyBee and the Twister, as they were both beyond economic repair…
A note from your clerk – Buzzy Bee in Cemetery Road Pocket Park
A recent inspection has identified some remedial work necessary to the handles on BuzzyBee. A notice will be placed on it today, but please don’t use Buzzy Bee for the time being…
A note from your clerk: Litter Pick on Tuesday 19th April 2022
Thanks go out to Mary Jolland, our Estates Committee member who ran a very successful Litter Pick on Tuesday 19th April…
A note from your Clerk – Removal of Paper Recycling Bank at MSC
West Suffolk Council have advised that the paper banks will soon be removed from the community centre as they have become uneconomical to empty…
A note from your Clerk… New footpath access from The Meadows to Nunnery Green
Logan Homes have advised us that they have now completed the planned footpath linking the Meadows to Nunnery Green…
A note from your clerk – Works to Cemetery Road
I’m really pleased to tell you that Suffolk County Council have now reinstated the hedge bounding the cemetery, installed a new bus stop and levelled and added planings to the footpath leading off Cemetery Road down to Footpath 25…
Message from your clerk – information Warmer Homes and Reducing the Environmental Impact of your Home
Warm Homes Suffolk wants to help the people of Suffolk live in homes that cost less to heat, so they can reduce their energy usage and enjoy lower bills…
Update on Street Art Workshop
Hello, thank you for being so understanding about us having to postpone the event scheduled in the half term week…
A note from your Clerk – February 2022
It has been a busy two months for all of us at the parish council, with work on all our on-going projects, our regular Parish Council meeting in January and both an Extraordinary meeting and the Estates Committee in early February…
A note from your Clerk – Roadworks at Cemetery Road
Suffolk County Council are currently carrying out works to Cemetery Road to complete a footway from The Meadows development up to the Memorial Social Centre and install a new bus shelter…
Note from your Clerk – following Council meeting 13 Jan 2022
During public comments or questions at the parish council meeting last Thursday (13th January) a number of residents raised their concerns about a planning application for erection of a grain store on Wash Lane – DC/21/2505/AG1: Determination in respect of permitted agricultural development – steel portal framed building at Wash Lane Wickhambrook Suffolk…
A Note from your Clerk – December 2021
It has been a busy month for all of us at the parish council, with work on all our on-going projects, our regular Parish Council meeting in November and a meeting of the Estates Committee in December…
A Note from your Clerk – November 2021
It has been a busy summer for me, with work on all our on-going projects, a meeting of the Estates Committee in August and an Extra Ordinary of the Parish Council on 8th September to consider the proposed agreement with Community Action Suffolk to take forward the Housing Needs Survey…
A Note from your Clerk – September 2021
It has been a busy summer for me, with work on all our on-going projects, a meeting of the Estates Committee in August and an Extra Ordinary of the Parish Council on 8th September to consider the proposed agreement with Community Action Suffolk to take forward the Housing Needs Survey…