End of Shielding

7th August 2020 | Parish Council News, Wickhambrook Together


by Wickhambrook Parish Clerk

Government food parcels and medication deliveries to those who were shielding stopped on 31st July.  Those affected will have already received a letter from Government outlining the changes.    

The volunteers of the Wickhambrook Coronavirus Support group have done a fantastic job supporting our more vulnerable residents during lockdown and shielding but many are now back at work themselves, and the group has not been able to offer continuing support after the end of shielding.  If circumstances change due to an increase in cases or restrictions, we’ll keep you updated through the website if its support activities resume.  Thank you to all the volunteers from Wickhambrook Parish Council.

If you, or someone you know, has concerns about the end of these Government services and needs to make arrangements after this time please call the Home, But Not Alone phoneline who will be able to signpost to other services.

Home but not alone Supporting Vulnerable People in Suffolk

For social care support, Suffolk County Council’s Customer First (first point of call) 0808 800 400 5.

Suffolk Infolink https://infolink.suffolk.gov.uk/kb5/suffolk/infolink/home.page

NHS Volunteer Responders 0808 196 3646 for

  • delivery of medication or food supplies (shopping or picking up of prescriptions)
  • patient transport, NHS Transport, (referral via a health care practitioner)
  • check in and chat befriending service (you may not always get the same volunteer calling); and
  • check in and chat peer support (same volunteer each time)

Try to give 72 hours notice of need, if your need is urgent call for a progress report on your allocation after a few hours to make sure that they are progressing your request.

You can also contact LifeLink https://www.westsuffolk.gov.uk/community/lifelink/index.cfm to connect to activities, clubs and groups in the area.

Contact one of their LifeLink coordinators Jo Burnett, Charlotte Staples or Elaine Hewes.

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