Garden Meeting

22nd August 2017 | Wickhambrook W.I.


by Wickhambrook W.I.

Our members meeting for this year took place recently under leaden skies with the threat of rain by invitation of Trustee Joyce Draycott and her husband Philip at their home Ashfield Green Farm. Despite the August evening weather, a very warm welcome awaited all from Joyce and her band of member helpers greeting us on arrival with either an Elderflower or Pimms.

The business was dealt with efficiently, as we sat in the beamed cart barn then enjoyed delicious home-made cakes, raspberry scones and biscuits accompanied with a welcome cuppa before we wandered through the different gardens and across to a newly created wood planted with only native species trees ten years ago and thriving.

There was a chance to test our skills afterwards in a second barn to “Splat a rat”, score at garden quoits and an “extreme” version of Hook a Duck!!! Prizes were awarded for the best efforts! A delightful evening in good company giving pleasure to all, appreciative thanks to all involved.

W.I. Philip explains about the woods and landscape around farm
W.I. Splat the rat with Melissa
W.I. Joyce and Audrey
W.I. In the barn
W.I. Games in the Barn
W.I. Raised beds
W.I. Lovely beds of flowers

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