Hello and welcome to Wickhambrook Tennis Club for 2018

14th May 2018 | General News


article submitted by Jim Field

With the warm weather finally showing its face Tennis can be back on the fitness agenda again.

Unfortunately I have to kick off this newsletter on a negative note!

The club is struggling to survive due to lack of members, despite many attempts to attract new members over recent years our numbers have dropped further this last year to around thirty members of which only 30% can be classed as regular players.

Added to that some of the existing support team have given nearly 25 years of time to the club and I am sad to admit we are not as enthusiastic or energetic as we used to be!

On a positive note the courts are still being maintained and remain in good condition with several years of life before painting or resurfacing will be required.

The club has over £2000 in the bank (but is probably four times that amount down on building a fund to renew the courts).

Playing wise we are still fielding a mens team in the Norfolk & suffolk League and the courts are used by the primary school for Tennis coaching through the summer term as well as giving ready access to those members who just want a social game.

We are facing a Crisis so what can be done?

  • Firstly we are not alone, The Bowls club next door is in exactly the same position with the added handicap of having an expensive maintenance burden to keep the grass in a playable condition. We have agreed to join forces in a campaign to attract new members through a joint fee of £10 on top of the usual subscription to give access to the other club plus
  • We have collectively advertised two combined open evenings on

Friday 11th & 18th May from 6.00 to 8.00

  •  if you can spare an hour please come down and show your support or better still bring a friend or neighbour as well.
  • Try to set up a new committee to push the club forward.
  • To encourage new members there will be an open club session every Tuesday evening from 6.30 onwards and we are open to booking regular slots during the day time week days for small groups who wish to meet and play on a regular basis.
  • Try and push the healthy physical and mental benefits on playing Tennis

So please support your club by making a regular date with Tennis 2018

  • Complete and return your membership form
  • Introduce a friend or neighbour
  • Try and attend one of the open evening or regular club sessions
  • Volunteer or support the team


Would you like to find out more about Wickhambrook Tennis Club

Tennis Club