Message from Cllr John Griffiths, Leader of West Suffolk Council, to Town & Parish Councils

25th November 2020 | General News, Parish Council News


by Wickhambrook Parish Clerk

Dear Town and Parish Councils

As you are aware we have already been paying out grants to businesses that have been required by Government to close during these current national restrictions.

This is being paid out under the Government’s scheme and the Government’s criteria and we are continuing to encourage businesses to apply at

We are also now ready to launch the first phase of the more discretionary scheme – which the Government has called the Additional Restrictions Grant (ARG).

West Suffolk Council has been allocated £3.6m from Government to pay out to businesses under the Additional Restrictions Grant (ARG). It is understood that this money is a one-off allocation that will also be used to support local businesses during any further lockdowns as well as recovery in 2021. The Government has directed that this should be targeted at the retail, hospitality, leisure and events sectors. The funding can also provide additional grant support to larger local businesses important to the local economy, and provide support to businesses outside the business rates system, which are required to close.

West Suffolk has consulted on this with the Federation of Small Businesses, New Anglia LEP,  Our Bury St Edmunds, Love Newmarket, Menta, the Suffolk Chamber of Commerce, Bury St Edmunds and Beyond, Discover Newmarket, Visit Suffolk, ONE Haverhill and Visit East of England.

The first phase of the ARG will be open to:

  • Market traders selling “non-essential” goods
  • Small bed and breakfast businesses
  • Businesses that occupy shared spaces, that are required to close
  • Businesses that occupy home-based premises, that are required to close
  • Mobile businesses, that are required to close
  • Businesses in the supply chain for the retail, hospitality, leisure, events and tourism sectors including those that are still operating but can demonstrate that their business has been severely adversely impacted by the national restrictions
  • Local independent businesses in the retail, hospitality and leisure sectors with a rateable value of £51,000 or over that have been required to close
  • Community centres attached to places of worship

The amounts that will be paid to each type of business are detailed in the scheme. The grants are a contribution towards the fixed ongoing business costs and relate to the 28 days of the national restrictions announced by Government.

Further phases of the ARG, to cover other forms of support will hopefully be announced at a later date.

Business under phase one of ARG have until 2 December to apply. The application form alongside eligibility criteria and evidence required can be found at

I hope that you can help make businesses in your area aware of both grant schemes and thank you for your continuing support.

Cllr John Griffiths
Leader of West Suffolk Council