Message from Cllr John Griffiths, Leader of West Suffolk Council, to Town & Parish Councils : Business Grants

12th January 2021 | General News, Parish Council News


by Wickhambrook Parish Clerk

A message from the leader of West Suffolk Council…

I’m writing to let you know about the latest business grants available and hope that you can help us once more in making businesses in your area aware of the funding support that is available including three new grants, as detailed below:

1) Local Restrictions Support Grant

The Local Restrictions Support Grant is available for all rate-paying businesses required to close as a result of the Tier 4 and/or national lockdown restrictions. Payments are now available for the period covering 26 December 2020 onwards. Government criteria apply.

2) Additional Restrictions Grant January and February 2021

Alongside this West Suffolk is also reopening the Additional Restrictions Grant (ARG) to many businesses who were not eligible for other grants but who have been required to close, as well as business who are part of supply chain for closed businesses. These grants will be paid out of the £3.6m ARG money previously allocated to West Suffolk in November to pay out during lockdowns and restrictions during 2020 and 2021 as well as the subsequent recovery phase. So far around a third of that money has already been paid out under the first phase although we have also heard from Government that this grant pot is to be topped up further.

The ARG grant is open to:

  • Market traders selling “non-essential” goods
  • Small bed and breakfast businesses
  • Businesses that occupy shared spaces that are required to close
  • Home based businesses that are required to close
  • Mobile businesses that are required to close
  • Businesses in the supply chain for the retail, hospitality, leisure, events and tourism sectors
  • Community centres attached to places of worship.

The closing date for applications for ARG January/February is 15 February 2021.

3) Closed Business Lockdown Payment

The third grant scheme is linked to the national lockdown from 5 January 2021, with the Government announcing a one-off Closed Business Lockdown Payment for businesses in retail, hospitality and leisure that have been forced to close.

This is subject to Government criteria with grants of £4000, £6000 or £9000 available based on the rateable value of business premises.

Previous grants and a deadline for the Christmas Support Payment

Finally, a reminder that businesses who were open during December, but impacted by the Tier 2 restrictions that were in place, can continue to apply for grant support for that period. Pubs whose main business is serving drinks rather than meals can also apply by 31 January 2021 for the Government’s Christmas Support Payment.

Businesses can check their eligibility for all of the above grants and apply at

Cllr John Griffiths
Leader of West Suffolk Council