My Life as an Auctioneer

27th February 2017 | Wickhambrook W.I.

by Wickhambrook W.I.
Our February speaker was Edward Crichton from Lacey Scott and Knight who gave us an excellent insight into his life as an auctioneer. His description of the excitement of finding treasure in ordinary houses and selling it on was very interesting, especially high profile sales like the eight dust – covered sports cars found in an old barn.

Divorce, death and downsizing are the forces behind most auctions and we laughed ruefully at some of Edward’s stories.
Because of the many TV programmes on antiques, we all seem to appreciate the past a bit more. Edward says he feels like a GP sending people to the experts based on his knowledge of most areas of antiques and auctions.

His lively talk was enjoyed by all. Several members plan to visit one of the Saturday auctions while others will seek the advice of the Lacey Scott and Knight Team at their premises in Bury St Edmunds.

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