Latest News…
Wickhambrook WI Craft Group
On Saturday 15th March our craft group held a class learning how to make hand tied bouquets…
WI Meeting – Acting Superintendent Janine Wratten
Members of Wickhambrook WI were on their best behaviour as we welcomed a visitor from the police to our March meeting. Acting Superintendent Janine Wratten came to talk to us about her career in the police force…
History Society – The Life and Times of Thomas Gainsborough
For our March meeting we welcomed Mahaut de la Motte, Assistant Curator of Gainsborough’s House Museum in Sudbury. We enjoyed a lively talk with beautiful illustrations on the life and art of Thomas Gainsborough…
A note from your Clerk – ponies being ridden on footpaths across the parish
we’ve recently had some reports of ponies being ridden on footpaths across the parish. There is some very useful guidance on the Government website about us of public rights of way…
Advanced notification of road closure – New England Lane, Cowlinge, and Attleton Green, Wickhambrook
Suffolk Highways are planning to carry out carriageway improvements in preparation for surface dressing along New England Lane, Cowlinge, and Attleton Green, Wickhambrook…
Scene – Early Springtime Edition 2025
We are pleased to say that the early springtime edition issue of The Wickhambrook Scene is now published.
A Note from your clerk – Government Consultation on Devolution
In December 2024, the government published the English Devolution White Paper. This setout plans to move power out of Westminster and back to local communities, ensuring that every part of England is covered by devolution…
History Society – Regency Lowlife in Bury St Edmunds
Kevin Pulford’s talk in February was called Regency Lowlife in Bury St Edmunds and was based on information taken from the records of the Quarter Sessions in the borough…
Wickhambrook WI February Meeting – Basic First Aid
At our February meeting we welcomed three members representing St John Ambulance. Trevor, Stuart and Chelsea came along to give us some helpful hints on basic first aid which could one day help to save somebody’s life…
Parish Clerk February 2025 Newsletter
Spring bulbs are starting to appear, and if you’re walking past the cemetery, you’ll see that the Cherry Trees planted two years ago now have their first blossom appearing. It’s still cold though, so don’t forget the Warm Winter Wednesdays…
A Note from Your Clerk – Reducing the Speed Limit on A143 at Wickham Street
You may have seen two recent articles in Suffolk News and the East Anglian Daily Times about a recent visit from our MP Nick Timothy, with Suffolk County Councillor Bobby Bennett to hear from the parish council and residents about their concerns over the speed of vehicles through Wickham Street, and our ongoing efforts to bring about a reduction in the speed limit from 40mph to 30mph, consistent with many other settlements along the A143 from Haverhill to Diss…
February 2025 Report from SC Cllr Bobby Bennett
Report from SC Cllr Bobby Bennett…
A Note from your clerk: Keep the Heat
Wickhambrook Parish Council are offering you a free thermal imaging survey of your home between 13th and 25th March 2025…
A note from your Clerk – Warm Winter Wednesdays
Don’t forget that a team of wonderful volunteers are running Warm Winter Wednesdays at the WI Hall, find out dates and more…
WI Members Meeting – Voice Coach, Steve Amer
For the first meeting of 2025 we welcomed Steve Amer who was introduced as a voice coach. It quickly became apparent that this was to be a talk which included audience participation as Steve talked about the importance of music and in particular singing on people’s physical, emotional and mental health…
History Society – The Stuart Monarchy in Suffolk
Jenny Barley, a member of the committee, was the first speaker of the year and gave an interesting talk on the Stuart Monarchy in Suffolk. Jenny used to work at the National Horseracing Museum so was well-qualified to explain the Royal and racing connection to the county…
Happy New Year Scene 2025
We are pleased to let you know that the Happy New Year issue of The Wickhambrook Scene is now published. As well as local news from Parish Council, WI, History Society there are useful articles from Suffolk Constabulary about detecting fraudulent calls; tips on safe winter driving; links to the new “Flood Smart Living Guide” provided by West Suffolk; events coming soon…
School Drop off and pick up
As school re-starts please could you keep in mind local residents when you are dropping off or picking up from the school. It can become congested and we have had some concerns raised by local residents that vehicles have not always been driven considerately with other road users and pedestrians in mind. The car park at the Memorial Social Centre is also available for use…
A note from your Clerk – West Suffolk Street Trading
You will recall that earlier in the year West Suffolk wrote to street traders, business groups, town and parish councils, as well as posts across our social media channels and in the local media to encourage people to help shape a new street trading policy for West Suffolk…
Moulton Walk
Moulton boasts a four-arched 15th Century Packhorse bridge which spans the River Linnet. Built of flint and stone it is narrow and the parapets are intentionally low to allow goods, such as corn, cloth, poultry, fish, salt and hops, to overhang…
Wickhambrook WI December Events
Wickhambrook WI enjoyed three festive events at the beginning of December. On Saturday 7th December members hosted a “Tea and Cakes” afternoon which also included a Bottle Tombola, Raffle, a Christmas Hamper Raffle and a “Guess the Weight of the Cake” competition…
Parish Clerk December 2024 Newsletter
Hello, I hope you are all keeping safe and well. The trees have coloured up, the nights are drawing in – winter is coming!
A Note from your Clerk – Split willow on verge of The Duddery
Just to let you know that following a recent storm when a willow on the verge on the The Duddery split and fell (recently cleared), the landowner has had the remaining standing spur of the willow inspected by a tree surgeon…
Wickhambrook Local History Society News – December 2024
40 members of the Society enjoyed a Savoury Supper prepared by the ladies of the committee. Home made soup with crusty bread followed by crumbles and other desserts and tea and coffee were enthusiastically received before we settled down to listen to the speaker for the evening, Kev Kitcher…
A Note from your clerk – Flood Smart Living
Suffolk County Council have produced a new guide, Flood Smart Living, to support local communities at risk of flooding…
A Note from your clerk – Surviving Winter Campaign
Suffolk Community Foundation Surviving Winter Campaign has been launched. This funding is to help vulnerable older people stay warm and well when the cold weather hits…
A Note from your Clerk – No Cold Calling Zones
At our November meeting councillors considered the impact of cold calling on residents of the parish and how cold calling can be minimised for elderly and vulnerable residents…
A note from your clerk – Nominations open for Alf Hicks Biscuit Barrel Award
Last year for the first time the parish council opened nominations for the Alf Hicks Biscuit Barrel award and the late George Woods was the unanimous choice by the parish council for the award…
A note from your clerk – please be considerate when parking to use the surgery
I’ve had some further complaints from residents in Boyden Close about parking issues near the Surgery…
A note from your clerk – Christmas Bin Collections
Christmas and New Year Bin Collection days for 2024
A note from your clerk: Loft Insulation discount for everyone in Suffolk!
Loft Insulation Offer gives Suffolk residents 50% off eco-friendly insulation…
Clare Walk
This 4 mile walk circles the town of Clare taking in the Common, which is the site of the fledgling village some 1000 years ago. The route can be followed on Ordnance Survey Explorer Map 210 Newmarket & Haverhill.
A Note from your clerk – Property Flood Resilience (PFR) grant scheme
Suffolk County Council have asked that we share this information with those you that were affected during the flooding of Storm Babet last year…
A Note from your clerk -Work to parish trees
Our tree surgeon will be carrying out work to parish trees over this week and next (weather dependant)…
By the moonlyght I must go to my boke : Schools and Education in Medieval Suffolk
‘By the moonlyght I must go to my boke’ was the title of Kate Jewell’s talk and she gave us an intriguing look at medieval education in Suffolk…
Art Workshop
Lead by our very own Michelle Parsons, we spent a very creative evening connecting to the left side of our brains, training our eye to really observe our guest model…
A note from your clerk – thank you to all volunteers
You may have seen in SC Cllr Bobby Bennet’s recent report that Firefighters, staff, and volunteers have been honoured at Suffolk Fire and Rescue Service’s annual awards ceremony…
A note from your clerk – reduction in local bus services
West Suffolk Council have invited parish councils affected by recent losses in local transport services to submit information setting out their concerns. Wickhambrook Parish Council is considering its response at an Extra-ordinary meeting on Thursday 14th November (6:00pm)…
A Note from your clerk – Looking for Change? – West Suffolk’s Housing, Homelessness Reduction and Rough Sleeping Strategy
Next week will see West Suffolk Council meet to discuss our new Housing, Homelessness Reduction and Rough Sleeping Strategy…
A note from your clerk – Thank you everyone
Thanks go out to our parish volunteers who came along to the last Wednesday volunteer morning of 2024 last week, and welcome to a new volunteer, David Conway…
October 2024 Report from SC Cllr Bobby Bennett
Report from SC Cllr Bobby Bennett…
A Note from your Clerk -Supporting Each Other: Focus on Winter
You may have heard Winter Fuel Payments being discussed in the news recently. They used to be paid to everyone over State Pension age, regardless of their income. This has now changed. Only people who get Pension Credit will receive the one off Winter Fuel Payment this year…
A Note from your clerk – November Litterpick
Thank you to everyone who turned up to our litterpicks on Wednesday last week and Sunday. A total of 13 bags of rubbish and a large piece of foam across the two litter picks…
Late Autumn Scene 2024
We are pleased to say that the late autumn issue of The Wickhambrook Scene is now published. It has information on start-times for Remembrance Sunday, Tribute to the Fallen, MSC AGM, plus up-and-coming events, news from WI and Parish Council, Cheveley and Ashley...
A Note from your clerk – Keep the Heat
Hello, we’ve received information about an event run by Green Ixworth on November the 16th 2024 at Ixworth Village Hall…
A note from your clerk – Reporting urgent and dangerous highways issues
It is important that any issue that is deemed to be dangerous to either private property, the highway or any of its users is telephoned through on 0345 606 6171 so that they can be immediately assessed, and action taken quickly…
Death in the Garden with Michael Brown
A joint meeting of the History and Horticultural Societies of Wickhambrook was held in October with a subject that included plenty of history and lots of gardening. Michael Brown’s talk was subtitled ‘Poisonous Plants – Magic, Myth and Passion’ and we were treated to a plant by plant analysis with historical anecdotes which was both fascinating and entertaining…
A Note from your clerk: Local Transport Plan for Suffolk
Sufolk County Council have invited the parish to participate in its public consultation on the next Local Transport Plan to 2040 and is encouraging feedback and comments via its online surveys…
A note from your clerk – New EV Chargers at Newmarket and Bury St Edmunds
New electric vehicle (EV) chargers are due to be fitted at The Guineas Shopping Centre car park in Newmarket and Parkway car park in Bury St Edmunds over October…
Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal
The national poppy appeal is launched on 24th October and our collectors will be calling round the village from this date. We will be holding a collection event at Wichambrook stores on Saturday 2nd November from 9.00 am onwards, with military vehicles to view. The memorial service will be held on Sunday 10th November at the war memorial at 12.00 midday, for everyone wishing to attend…