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RIDE Service Update

Following his resignation as a councillor, Wickhambrook parish council would like to extend its thanks to Mr John Barton, who has been a councillor since May 2015…

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Would you like to become a Parish Councillor?

Would you like to become a Parish Councillor?

Wickhambrook has a vacancy on its parish council which can now be filled by co-option. . If you would like to become a councillor, have a look at some of the sources of information we’ve put together here, and chat with our Councillors to find out more about what it involves! Our next meeting is at 7pm on Thursday 30th September in the Dulcie Smith Room at Wickhambrook Memorial Social Centre, and we’ll be looking to co-opt at this meeting…

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After two successful tea parties – held outdoors and socially distanced – we now feel ready to start holding meetings for all our members. On Tuesday 10th August 2021 we will be holding our AGM, postponed from May…

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West Suffolk Council Community Chest now open to funding applications

West Suffolk Council Community Chest now open to funding applications

Community groups, charities and voluntary organisations in West Suffolk can now apply for Community Chest funding for 2020/21. West Suffolk Council is to make more than £350,000 available as it looks to invest in community projects to improve the lives of local residents. Money is available to local projects that can help strengthen families and empower communities so that they can better support themselves…

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Vacancy for Parish Councillor

Vacancy for Parish Councillor

Following his resignation as a councillor, Wickhambrook parish council would like to extend its thanks to Mr John Norton, who has served on the parish council since June 2019, and will be continuing his work as a lay member with responsibilities for the cemetery, churchyard and village greens…

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A note from your Clerk

Hello, it was lovely to meet so many of you at our recent shared community engagement day on 3rd July at the Memorial Social Centre. Thank you to everyone who dropped in and stayed to chat, look at the displays, and give us important feedback on our upcoming projects…

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Electric Vehicle Infrastructure

You may be aware that West Suffolk Council declared a climate change emergency in 2019 and Cabinet agreed an ambitious environmental action plan in July 2020, that included establishing more Electric Vehicle infrastructure to support residents and businesses in switching to EVs…

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Information from West Suffolk Council

Part of our work in housing is help support vulnerable people so they can carry on living in their own home and not have to go into hospital or care. Together with Suffolk’s other district councils and the County Council, set up the Independent Living in Suffolk service (ILS) back in December to replace an outside service whose contract had come to an end…

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Road safety project in our village – THE UPDATE!

Road safety project in our village – THE UPDATE!

In response to a road traffic accident in 2018 and heightened concerns of residents, the school and villagers, Wickhambrook Parish Council set up a road safety working group, just over a year ago, to explore all the options for road safety specifically in the vicinity of Wickhambrook Primary Academy. The working party includes local villagers, a school governor, the head teacher and a representative from the Parish Council…

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Housing Needs Survey for Wickhambrook

Housing Needs Survey for Wickhambrook

Last Autumn West Suffolk Council consulted on Issues and Options for a new local plan. One of the key concerns many residents raised with the parish council, was the need for affordable housing for Wickhambrook residents. For this reason, we have decided to carry out a more detailed survey to try and get a better understanding of future housing need for the village…

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A Joint Parish Council & Memorial Social Centre Open Day

A Joint Parish Council & Memorial Social Centre Open Day

The Parish Council and MSC work hard to promote, respond to and improve a wide range of issues in Wickhambrook. The last year has been difficult for everyone with the pandemic, and we wanted to create an opportunity to celebrate some of our achievements over the past year, and to look forward to some ongoing and new projects in the parish, working more closely as a team…

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High Sherriff Visit to The Voluntary Network

High Sherriff Visit to The Voluntary Network

The Voluntary Network were honoured by the visit of The High Sherriff of Suffolk on Tuesday 1st June. During his visit, The High Sherriff presented The Suffolk Award to The Voluntary Network for its outstanding service to the community in Suffolk during the Covid 19…

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Support for vulnerable people to carry on living in their own home

Support for vulnerable people to carry on living in their own home

Hundreds of vulnerable people across West Suffolk will be able to receive support to carry on living in their own homes rather than having to go into hospital or care thanks to record funding. Independent Living in Suffolk (ILS) has received £1.5 million for its work in West Suffolk from the Government’s Better Care Fund…

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Suffolk Coronawatch Bulletin Overview

Suffolk Coronawatch Bulletin Overview

In the week up to May 5 there have been 144 new cases of COVID-19 in Suffolk. This is a drop of 48 cases on the previous week. The underlying rate of new weekly cases in Suffolk has risen and is now at 19.7 cases per 100,000 people. This rate is above the rates for the East of England region (19.1 / 100,000) but below England as a whole (22.6 / 100,000)…

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Play Area bin

Play Area bin

The Bin in the main play area at the Recreation is regularly overfilled – please, if you see that the bin is nearly full, could you use the large combined bin just outside the play area…

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Take 10 to read campaign

On May 10th at 10am, we’re calling on the nation to Take 10 and read. Research has shown that reading can be an effective way of helping people take care of their mental health and wellbeing – and it only takes 10 minutes a day to see the benefits!

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