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How to have a Healthy Back

How to have a Healthy Back

We have probably all experienced some sort of back pain in the course of our lives and often put it down to “old age”! Our speaker for the March meeting however put this down to “bad habits” instead…

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Become a Scam Marshall

Become a Scam Marshall

Are you, or someone you know, inundated with scam mail? Are you tempted to respond to it? Do you want to help track down the criminals behind scams and help put a stop to their activities?

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Walk from Chevington to Wickhambrook

Walk from Chevington to Wickhambrook

If you fancy a change from circular routes why not use public transport to visit a neighbouring village and walk back home.  This is one possibility.  The route includes a short section along a potentially busy road and a hi-vis jacket is a wise precaution…

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Connecting Communities

Connecting Communities is a service operated by The Voluntary Network, a charity based in Newmarket. It is a door to door service that will pick you up at your home and deliver you to your chosen location…

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Reminder to Dog Owners

Reminder to Dog Owners

In these winter nights please don’t forget to take poop bags on your walks with your four legged friend. It’s much easier to find and pick up if you have the bag to hand, and it’s really not nice for others to step in waste in the dark, or find it the next morning! Please think of other villagers and pick up after your dog – spare bags can be found at the dispenser at the MSC Car Park…

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Road safety project in our village given green light!

Road safety project in our village given green light!

Road safety project in our village given green light! So get involved here… Wickhambrook Parish Council is looking to recruit local residents to a working group to explore all of the options for road safety specifically in the vicinity of Wickhambrook Primary Academy.
You may be aware we had a road traffic accident (RTA) involving a young child in September 2018. The child fortunately made a good recovery but road safety in that area has been very topical ever since and has been discussed on a number of occasions by councillors, residents and the teachers and children in the school.

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Dad’s Army

Dad’s Army

We were not sure what to expect from the title of this month’s meeting entitled simply “Dad’s Army”. Was it a talk about how the real Dad’s Army functioned during the war, or about how it was originally set up or even a re-enactment of the brilliant TV series still being shown today on the television?

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A plea to equestrian users of Byway 31

A plea to equestrian users of Byway 31

This winter has so far been exceptionally wet and sections of Byway 31 are in a very poor state for walking, a part of their reason for existence. Restricting the use of byways by 4×4 vehicles is difficult, but Suffolk County Council have just posted Restraint Notices on a section of the Byway to limit their use during this wet weather…

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Do you know the caller is who they say they are?

Do you know the caller is who they say they are?

Two Suffolk residents came very close to losing all their money, to scammers who called purporting to be from their Bank. The elderly couple received a call from the “fraud squad” of their bank, claiming that £400 had been been taken from their account, and that 2 individuals had been arrested…

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Kirtling Longer Walk

Kirtling Longer Walk

Kirtling is an attractive village on the Suffolk/Cambridge borders. This walk is made up of two loops – a leg stretch of about 5 miles, which includes walking along the bed of a stream, and a more built-up loop of 1.5 miles with an optional visit to the church and good views of Kirtling Towers…

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In House by Members

Our first meeting of the year was an opportunity for members to share their interest in history and Roger medley and John Norton gave contrasting talks of interest to all…

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National Insurance Number Scam

National Insurance Number Scam

There have been reports received of automated calls claiming to be from the Inland Revenue, with the caller stating that failure to appear at the Magistrates Court will result in the suspension of your National Insurance Number…

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Suffolk Accident Rescue Service

Anne Morley and Derek Wilding from SARS (Suffolk Accident Rescue Service) were our speakers. Anne gave a very comprehensive and interesting presentation on the set-up, training of volunteer clinicians and fund- raising undertaken by the charity…

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LifeLink -Changing Lives with Communities

LifeLink -Changing Lives with Communities

information from West Suffolk CouncilLifeLink, which started in Haverhill and has also launched in Brandon and Mildenhall, is a free service for anyone over 16 years old and it is already busy. Benefits include: meeting new people and developing new friendships,...

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Father Christmas, Myths and Mistletoe

Mike Wabe came to our November meeting and his subject was ‘Father Christmas, Myths and Mistletoe’ and in his cheerful style, Mike explored the customs we now associate with Christmas. Here are a few dates that might surprise you! They refer to the first recorded mention of each item…

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Ousden Return

Ousden Return

A Walk from Wickhambrook to Ousden (and maybe the ‘Fox’) and back. This circuit of almost eight miles and three hours walking is possible in winter, most underfoot surfaces are green lanes or minor roads, but could be more enjoyable and relaxing during the spring to autumn period.  Take Ordnance Survey Explorer map 210 covering Newmarket and Haverhill as your companion…

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Helping one Person

Helping one Person

Research shows that strong relationships can form between socially isolated individuals and scammers because of the regular contact that they make. Lonely people are FOUR times more likely to fall victim to scams.

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Shopping Coupons Fraudulant

Shopping Coupons Fraudulant

There are so many posts currently circulating on Facebook claiming that everyone who shares them will receive a shopping coupon or will be entered into a prize draw to win shopping vouchers.

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Postal Scam – Hoax!

Postal Scam – Hoax!

It is that time of year when we have to remind everyone that a chain email and Facebook Post circulating, warning about a postal scam that could leave you £315 out of pocket – is a hoax!

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Inundated with Scam Calls?

Inundated with Scam Calls?

Free call blockers are being made available to people who believe they are being targeted with scam and nuisance phone calls. Between 1,800 and 2,000 call blockers are being provided on a first come, first served basis by the National Trading Standards Scams Team…

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Medical Detection Dogs

Most of us agreed we only had a vague idea of the purpose of medical detection dogs. Norma Howell came along to tell us all about the amazing work these dogs do in the field of medicine…

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Joint meetings of Hundon and Co-Horts

On 27th April 2019 a very successful meeting was held at Hundon Village Hall with Bob Flowerdew speaking on the subject of ‘No Work Gardening’. It was run jointly by Hundon, Cavendish, Wickhambrook and Clare Horticultural Societies. Bob gave a tongue-in-cheek and very entertaining talk, heavily laced with humour…

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A Turkish Shirley Valentine!

A Turkish Shirley Valentine!

This was the title of the talk by Jenny Gibbs for the September meeting of Wickhambrook Women’s Institute. Jenny appeared for her talk dressed in the most dazzling local costume made by the ladies in the Turkish village where she has made her home for the past 20 years…

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Fines Scam

Fines Scam

We have received a number of reports from residents across Suffolk who have been subjected to scam calls from someone purporting to be from “Suffolk County Court”…

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