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Painting on Glass

It was all hands on and paintbrushes to the fore at this month’s meeting as we tried painting on glass following instruction from Ann Datson, our tutor for the evening…

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W.I. Literary Lunch 2016

W.I. Literary Lunch 2016

Those attending the annual 8th Literary lunch hosted by the ladies of the two Wickhambrook W.I. Reading Groups enjoyed a delicious buffet including some yummy home baked desserts in the company of author Edward Parnell from near Norwich…

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Members Meeting

Members Meeting

The members took over June’s meeting, there was a welcome floral buttonhole for everyone on arrival and once a short time of business was completed, led by President for the evening Judith Pitcher, we were placed in the expert and enthusiastic hands of Jen Lerner to learn how to Circle dance together…

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AGM, Resolutions and a Surprise

The institutes A.G.M. and Resolutions were the main focus of this month’s meeting. After all the members had commented and had their say there was the voting, the results of which will be sent to National…

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The Winch and Blatch Story

We were very pleased to welcome our W.I. Advisor Julie Higgins to our April meeting who joined members to hear our speaker Judith Blatch from Winch and Blatch, the Merchandising director and wife of the Managing director of the small family run department store based in Sudbury, Suffolk…

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What Does an Artist do all day?

What Does an Artist do all day?

This month’s meeting was truly “In House” with three members telling us “What does an artist do all day”. Ruth Seal, a calligrapher, Jayne Pope painter and graphic artist and Jackie Merry, print maker are all professional ladies using their talents to earn income, satisfaction and admiration in a wide variety of artistic disciplines…

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Suffolk Farmhouse Cheeses

This month’s meeting was truly “In House” with three members telling us “What does an artist do all day”. Ruth Seal, a calligrapher, Jayne Pope painter and graphic artist and Jackie Merry, print maker are all professional ladies using their talents to earn income, satisfaction and admiration in a wide variety of artistic disciplines…

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How to Climb your Family Tree

How to Climb your Family Tree

A new year and an excellent turnout to discover “How to climb your family tree” with the help of Sharmain Thompson and her technical assistant Brian, her husband from the Haverhill Family History Group. Her talk illustrated using a slideshow presentation, took us through the stages of researching a family tree…

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The New Playground

The New Playground

Saturday’s Grand Opening of the new playground was a big success. Delighted to see so many families at the opening and as soon as the gates were opened, all the children rushed through to try out the pieces of play equipment which excited them most…

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Wickhambrook Discovers its Past

We had a very successful weekend in every way. All Saints Church made £2,000, the History Society gained some new members and everyone who came enjoyed their visit and spent a lot of time browsing in the church so all our hard work paid off…

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Depden Tower Walk

No circular walk this time but a bus journey to Depden water tower and then a wander back to Wickhambrook across the fields. The journey incorporates several stiles, a risky crossing of the A143, a downhill stroll beside five lakes and a skirting of the grounds of Denston Hall. Total distance is about 8 miles but it is all easy walking and can be covered comfortably in three hours…

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Wickhambrook plus Clopton & Denston

Wickhambrook plus Clopton & Denston

This circular walk heads east to Clopton Green, south to Denston and returns along the brook valley making use of field edge footpaths and quiet country roads. There are two steady climbs but the effort is rewarded by pleasing views of rolling Suffolk countryside. Most footpaths are regularly cut and the whole circuit is as shown on the local Ordnance Survey map – Explorer 210 Newmarket & Haverhill. Waymarks are not being replaced currently because of budget restrictions so it is advisable to take a map or some other mapping aid with you. The walk is approaching seven miles so you may wish to pack a picnic…

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Interesting Historical Facts

Interesting Historical Facts

The next time you are washing your hands and complain because the water temperature isn’t just how you like it, think about how things used to be. Here are some facts about the1500s: These are interesting…

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History of the Scene 1969 – 2000

Wickhambrook Scene began life in February 1969 when the first Scene was published. It contained twelve pages (half foolscap size as it was then) and carried seven adverts on the back page and on the inside pages. The cover carried a picture identified by Alf Hicks as being Hole Meadow near Coltsfoot Green, and appears to be a photo copy version of a photograph…

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