Note from your Clerk – following Council meeting 13 Jan 2022

18th January 2022 | Parish Clerk Report

During public comments or questions at the parish council meeting last Thursday (13th January)  a number of residents raised their concerns about a planning application for erection of a grain store on Wash Lane – DC/21/2505/AG1: Determination in respect of permitted agricultural development – steel portal framed building at Wash Lane Wickhambrook Suffolk.

West Suffolk does not consult parishes on this type of application (permitted agricultural development), however, the parish council shared the concerns raised by residents at the meeting with respect to the likely impact of the proposal on:

  • A road surface which is already degraded through frequent excess surface water
  • The health and safety of other road users, including pedestrians, not only on Wash lane, but approaching routes Church Road and The Duddery (Wickhambrook Parish Council has nominated all three routes under the Quiet Lanes scheme) due to the narrowness of the carriage way and no footways
  • An increased risk of accident to road users arising from a narrow and steep exit onto the B1063 (Wash Lane is a one way route)

and will forward the concerns raised by residents at the meeting to the District Councillor.

You can submit comments directly through the planning portal:

Your District Councillor, Sarah Pugh, has asked the planning officer to go out to the site before making any recommendations and has asked that any residents make their concerns known to her directly by e-mailing her at .

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