Oil Buying Group

22nd August 2017 | General News


article by HIgham Oil Buying Group

One of the actions requested in the Parish Plan was to set-up an oil buying scheme for Wickhambrook. We have joined The Higham Oil Group which has constantly achieved lower prices than the Suffolk ACRE scheme and it’s free to join!

The group send out emails two weeks before the next order date and then a week later to remind people to order just in case they have forgotten.

You don’t have to be on the internet to join the group. You can telephone the group organiser Chris Mortimer 01223 760374 (day time) and he will add you to the group. At the beginning of the year you’ll be sent a paper copy of the years order dates, you can then telephone through your order two weeks before the order date.

The group orders oil every month between September and May and once in the summer in July so if you would like to save money on your heating oil please visit https://highamoilgroup.wixsite.com/home and sign up to the group. Any size order from 500 litres.