Dry Shade
Wickhambrook W.I. Hall Cemetery Road, Wickhambrook, Suffolk, United KingdomPlants to fill those awkward corners. Talk by Simon McWilliams 7.30pm in the W.I. Hall Everyone welcome Non-members £3.50 per meeting
Welcome to Wickhambrook
Wickhambrook is one of the parishes of West Suffolk Council and Suffolk County Council
Plants to fill those awkward corners. Talk by Simon McWilliams 7.30pm in the W.I. Hall Everyone welcome Non-members £3.50 per meeting
What we should have done at the start! Talk by Louise Gilhooly (on behalf of Perennial, the gardeners charity) 7.30pm in the W.I. Hall Everyone welcome Non-members £3.50 per meeting
Bring your spares and buy some real bargains. Annual bring and buy sale in the W.I. Hall at 10am. Please note day and time.
Luci Sknner is a very experienced horticulturalist. 7.30pm in the W.I. Hall Everyone welcome Non-members £3.50 per meeting
See the crops, woodland and conservation work followed by cheese and wine with the Draycott Family
How to get the best results Details TBC 7.30pm in the W.I. Hall Everyone welcome Non-members £3.50 per meeting
7pm at the W.I. Hall. Please look out for the Schedules and Entry Forms.
At Wickhambrook Fete in the MSC Hall. More details available closer to the date. Register your entries on Wednesday 9th July, see details in Schedule.
Comfy Neals Coach with good A/C. £25 Free entry for Garden Club Members. Non-members pay £15.85 admission. Depart MSC car park 9.15am. Back before 6pm
Visit to this vegetable-box provider in Cavendish Car share TBA from MSC car park 5.30pm Tea & Cake £5.00