by Wickhambrook Parish Clerk
Biscuit Barrel 2018
The recipient of the Biscuit Barrel in 2018 for services to Wickhambrook is Mr Roger Medley. The Parish Council voted overwhelmingly for Roger to receive the award. Having been Parish Clerk for ten years, only retiring in January 2016, when he went over and above the remit of Clerk, Roger has continued to give freely of his time now volunteering as Footpaths Officer and reporting to the Estates Committee of the Parish Council every two months and physically clearing the rights of way that so many residents enjoy using on a regular basis.
The photograph shows the Chairman of Wickhambrook Parish Council, Mr Paul Couzens, presenting the cut-glass biscuit barrel (originally donated for this purpose by Alf Hicks or ‘Mr Wickhambrook’ as he was known), at the Annual Parish Meeting on 10 May. The biscuit barrel is held for one year with Roger Medley’s name now added to the long list of worthy previous holders of this award.
Annual Parish Meeting report from 10 May
In addition to the usual reports from the Chairman including the Estates Committee and financial report from the Clerk, reports were presented by members of the History Society, W.I. Group, Horticultural Society and Youth Football Team which made for a very entertaining and enjoyable evening. A written report had been submitted by the MSC Hall Trustees which was handed out to those who attended the meeting and referred to by the Chairman. The reports covered the activities and successes of the last twelve months and all had an extremely interesting content. I have hard copies of the reports on file which I would be happy to scan and send if anyone would like to read a particular report. Please send your request to
Annual Parish Council Meeting
The meeting took place on 31 May and I am able to confirm the Chairman for the forthcoming year is Councillor Paul Couzens, to be supported by Vice Chairman, Councillor John Barton. The Parish Council Estates committee was re-elected and the representatives who carry out risk assessments for areas in the village on a regular basis, such as the playgrounds and greens, have all agreed to continue with their responsibilities.
Cllr Sammons stepped down as Vice Chairman due to personal commitments and the Chairman acknowledged the support that had been given over the past three years in this role.
I would like to take this opportunity to remind all readers of ‘The Scene’ that the eight elected Parish Councillors and three (one vacancy) Lay Members of the Estates Committee give up their time on an entirely voluntary basis. They attend meetings and visit areas around the Parish undertaking inspections and checks and this is all done in a professional manner. All the meetings are open to anyone who wishes to attend, with no requirement to give notice of your attendance.
All the financial documents for the year 2017/2018 are now displayed on the website and noticeboard having been agreed at this meeting.
It is my mission to remind everyone in each Clerk’s report of the two defibrillators that can be accessed in emergency situations concerning a heart related problem. One is on the outside wall of the Fire Station, Giffords Road the other on the outside wall at the front of the MSC Hall, Cemetery Road. Hopefully they will never be needed but please store these locations in your memory bank and spread the word so that all are aware that these valuable life-saving machines can be accessed quickly and easily, instructions are on the outside of each casing.
Skate Park and Litter Pick News
The transitions (yes – me neither!) on the ramps at the skate park have now been repaired which has entailed the tarmac being removed at the edge of the ramps and a quick setting solution poured in which results in a smooth ascent and descent on and off the ramps.
The Parish Council does an enormous amount to support the youngsters in the village by offering outside activities which are very costly to provide and maintain.
The recently installed cableway or zipwire has been re-tensioned which gives a better experience for all as it means the user reaches the end of the wire on each go.
I often walk on the recreational field and see all the equipment provided by the Parish Council in use, however I also see the litter that is left particularly in the skate park which is very disappointing when there are litter bins provided.
The photo shows 3 crushed soft drink cans discarded in this area when the bin is just a metre away.
This brings me neatly on to the date of the next ‘Litter Pick’ which is Sunday 15 July with a 10.30 a.m. start. Please keep a watch for the posters which will give a reminder of details of the litter pick and will be displayed on noticeboards around the village and on the website.
The summer litter pick supports the Carnival volunteers who do such an excellent job at clearing the recreational field after the event and enables any stray pieces of litter to be collected the next day. Please do come along if you can spare an hour on that Sunday.
A Welcome Bench
Well four to be precise! The three benches in the Memorial Garden are now in place giving it a much needed finishing touch and the plaques to commemorate the fallen have been ordered; these will give a purpose and real meaning to the garden.
The fourth bench has been delivered and is soon to be placed in the Bury Road playground to enable parents and carers to rest while the youngsters use the equipment. The playground has only recently been formally signed over to the Parish Council and it is hoped that the residents on this side of the village will appreciate the inclusive attitude of the Councillors to all parishioners.
Applications considered by the Parish Council over the last six weeks:
DC/18/0681/CLE Mokefield, Baxters Green. Application for Lawful Development Certificate – occupation by non-agricultural occupant in breach of planning N/65/413/C No objection
DC/18/0632/FUL The Hedges, Ashfield Green. Replacement dwelling and garage amendment to previously approved DC/17/1297/FUL. No objection
DC/18/0570/HH plus DC/18/0571/LB Giffords Hall, Giffords Lane. Two storey extension, extension to granary to form 1 bedroom flat, triple bay cart lodge, garden pavilion extension, internal and external alterations and repairs. No objection
Decisions made by St Edmundsbury Council:
DC/18/0242/VAR 4 Wickham House Bungalows, Giffords Lane. 1 replacement Dwelling. Approved
DC/18/0205/HH Celeste, Bunters Road. Garage conversion to annexe. Approved
DC/18/0182/HH 22 Boyden Close. Single storey front extension. Approved
DC/17/1185/OUT Aldersfield Hall, Ashfield Green. Outline planning 2 semi-detached following demolition of 2 existing semi-detached dwellings. Approved
Parish Council meetings
The dates for the next meetings are Thursday 26 July and 30 August. The next Estates Committee meeting will be held on Thursday 9 August. All meetings begin at 7.30 p.m. and are open for everyone to attend.