by Wickhambrook Parish Clerk
Change of Telephone Number for Parish Clerk
Hello, just a quick note to let you know that the telephone number for the Parish Clerk is now 07508 039810.
The e-mail address remains We’ll soon be moving to a new domain name for Councillor e-mail addresses ending in, but I’ll keep you updated on this through the Website.
Following the recent Parish Elections in May, the Parish Council has just co-opted to fill the four vacancies.
Our four new Councillors are:
- Mr Mike Lavelle
- Mr Kerry Merritt
- Mr John Norton; and
- Mr Charles Townsend.
Contact details and updated roles and responsibilities for each of the Councillors will be posted on the Parish Council Website.
Unfortunately, following the resignation of Cllr Midwood, the Council has a casual vacancy. A public notice advertising this has been published on the Parish Council Website and posted on the Notice Board.
Thank you to all the clubs who attended the Annual Parish Meeting on 16th May. Draft minutes for the Annual Parish Meeting and Annual Reports from the Clubs will be published on the Parish Council Website.
Our Lay Footpaths Officer, and the Estates Committee, would like to extend thanks to all the landowners who have burnt paths through their growing crops to enable walkers to enjoy their use of footpaths more easily.
July Litter Pick
Meet at the MSC Hall Car Park on Sunday 14th July – please check the Website for the start time.
Recent Planning Decisions made by St Edmundsbury Council.
Householder Planning Application – Ref DC/18/2134/HH
i) Single storey rear extension with dividing wall between drive and rear gardens
ii) 1no. Greenhouse
(iii) Replacement Windows (iv) Partial re-rendering to Southerly end of East elevation
(v) Re-roof existing flat roof to rear elevation
Location Farley Green House Farley Green Wickhambrook CB8 8PX
West Suffolk Council: Approved Wickhambrook PC: Supported
Application for Listed Buildings Consent – Ref DC/18/2135/LB
(i) Single storey rear extension with dividing wall between drive and rear gardens
(ii) 1no. Greenhouse
(iii) 4no. Replacement Windows
(iv) Partial re-rendering to Southerly end of East elevation
(v) Re-roof existing flat roof to rear elevation
(vi) Cavity Insulation to modern 20th Century extensions (vii) Pergola to rear elevation
Location Farley Green House Farley Green Wickhambrook CB8 8PX
West Suffolk Council: Approved Wickhambrook PC: Supported
Play Equipment at the Recreation Ground and Bury Road Pocket Park
Many parents will have noticed that the Fort area in the Children’s play area at Cemetery Road has been out of action for some months. Quite a number of the Wooden posts which surround the slide had started to rot at the base, which is why the area has been taken out of use. The Estates Committee, and especially our lay member Mr Roger Merry, has been working hard to find a solution to bring the fort back into use, as many parents have reported how much the children have enjoyed playing in the fort. The Parish Council is currently looking at a range of options which include repair or possible replacement.
Parents of children who use the pocket park at Bury Road have requested an additional piece of play equipment for children in the older age range (8-12). The Estates Committee has been researching this and the Parish Council hopes to soon be able to carry out a brief consultation on possible options. Please let us know your views so that we can get something the children would enjoy using.
Thank you again to Roger Merry for all his work on researching and coordinating a resolution to this.
Dates of next meetings
The next Parish Council meetings take place on Thursday 27th June and Thursday 25th July.
The next Estates committee meeting will be held on *Thursday 1st August. All meetings begin at 7.30 p.m.
*(now postponed until 15th August 2019)
Hilary Workman
Wickhambrook Parish Clerk