by Wickhambrook Parish Clerk
July Litter Pick
Thank you to the willing band of volunteers who turned up for the July litter pick. Needless to say the pick took place in extremely hot conditions but that did not deter our regulars. Many of the Parish Councillors made an appearance and Councillor Barton was accompanied by his 7 year old grandson who was a huge help and collected many pieces of litter from the recreational field and cemetery area. It is so nice to see youngsters getting involved and the litter picks are often attended by local families. The children enjoy collecting the litter plus the squash and biscuit at the end for which thanks must go to Mrs Barbara Merritt, a trustee of the MSC Hall which supports the litter picks by making no charge for the use of the pavilion on these occasions.

Sports Club Support
Wickhambrook Parish Council supports four different clubs using the ‘Six Acres’ which is part of the recreational field – Bowls, Tennis, Adult and Youth Football. Recently the Parish Council voted to support the Bowls Club with a donation to enable the club to keep up the maintenance (supported by voluntary work from the members) and hopefully expand the membership to keep the facility of the bowls green in use for many years to come.
The photos show that a good start has been made with the banks cut and bowls lanes clearly marked, work undertaken by the newly elected Bowls Club Chairman, Charles Townsend.
The Adult and Youth Football Clubs benefit greatly from the Parish Council continuing to fund the grass cutting for the entire recreational field and by doing so the Parish Council is making sure physical activities are offered in the village for a whole range of ages.
At this time of year the Parish Council receives many reports about overgrown hedges obstructing rights of way. If your garden or land borders a public footpath or byway would you please ensure you keep your hedge trimmed. The hedge at the end of Thorns Close is the responsibility of Suffolk County Council Highways Department and has been reported as needing attention. The online reporting tool is quick and easy to use so please make use of it to report any highways matter.
VAS Update – speeding in the village
Councillor Barton, as stated in previous editions, has responsibility for monitoring the Vehicle Activated Speeding signs in the village. The machines are moved periodically by Councillor Barton to posts in different sites which are now to display a ‘Kill Your Speed’ sign when a machine is not in situ.
Thanks must again go to Councillor Barton for his tireless work in moving the signs, downloading the data and formatting it before sending this to the Police. The Police camera van can only be seen at different times in the village due to his work in producing evidence of speeding in the village.
Please read this reminder that there are two defibrillators that can be accessed in emergency situations concerning a heart related problem. One is on the outside wall of the Fire Station, Giffords Road the other on the outside wall at the front of the MSC Hall, Cemetery Road. These valuable life-saving machines can be accessed quickly and easily, instructions are on the outside of each casing.
More info here :
Recent Planning Applications :
Applications considered by the Parish Council over the last six weeks:
DC/18/0934/FUL Giffords Hall, Giffords Lane. Extend pond, create island plus footbridge. No objection
DC/18/0891/HH 25 Nunnery Green. Porch and single rear extension. No objections
DC/18/1145/FUL Doctors Barn, Cloak Lane 1 dwelling following demolition of barn. No objections
DC/18/1194/HH Park Gate Barn, Ousden Road Two storey side extension relocation of entrance. Outbuilding, parking spaces, new entrance. No objections
Decisions made by St Edmundsbury Council over the last eight weeks:
DC/18/0891/HH 25 Nunnery Green. Porch and single storey rear extension. Approved.
DC/18/0632/FUL amended scheme to previously approved DC/17/1297/FUL The Hedges, Ashfield Green. Replacement dwelling and garage, alterations to existing access. Approved
Dates of next Parish Council meetings
The dates for the next two meetings on Thursdays are 27 September and 25 October. The next Estates committee meeting will be held on Thursday 11 October. All meetings begin at 7.30 p.m.
Farewell but not Goodbye!
The Parish Council is in the process of appointing a new Clerk as I have resigned from the post with effect from the end of September. I have greatly enjoyed my work as the Clerk which has given me a fantastic opportunity to meet many of the residents of the village and get to know aspects of village life in a very quick timescale. I love living in Wickhambrook and look forward to the rest of my life in the village in possibly a more relaxed mode! At this point I have to thank my husband Hugh for his help with producing the annual accounts which as well as supporting me during my time are now clearly set up for future Clerks. All good wishes to the new incumbent who I hope will find the position as interesting as I have.