Parish Clerk’s Report for March/April 2018

15th February 2018 | Parish Clerk Report


by Wickhambrook Parish Clerk

Public Access Defibrillators (PAD’s)

The November/December edition of the Scene had a paragraph in the Clerk’s report concerning the proposed installation of two PAD’s, to be financially supported by the Parish Council. As this edition goes to press one is installed and operational, the other is well on the way to being installed. This achievement is in great part due to Mr Peter Vince who previously co-ordinated the Community First Responder (CFR) team and a huge thank you must go to him. It is a very important piece of news for the residents of Wickhambrook and I am therefore including two pieces written by Peter, the first is the announcement made on the Community Facebook page and the second is the official announcement used on the website.

Wickhambrook community public access defibrillator

Please read them both.

The First Wickhambrook CPAD Now Operational

I am pleased to announce that the first Wickhambrook CPAD (Community Public Access Defibrillator) is now operational. The CPAD is located at the Wickhambrook Fire Station, located in Giffords Lane, CB8 8PQ.

The CPAD was funded by the local community and local benefactors, who had supported the initial Wickhambrook CFR project, which is no longer operational.

The CPAD is used when a person makes a 999 call and the ambulance service deem that the use of the CPAD is appropriate. The instructions are provided by the ambulance service, as well as the code to open the cabinet.
The second CPAD is in the process of being installed at the Wickhambrook MSC Hall. Details of when it is made operational will be posted.

My thanks to Carolyn Crabb, Deputy District Commander – West Suffolk Fire & Rescue Service, who has allowed the CPAD to be installed at the fire station and Watch Commander Jolland at Wickhambrook Fire Station for his support. Thanks are due to Wickhambrook Parish Council who have supported this project and Mary Evans who supported the initial CFR project with funding. Also thanks to Jonathan Needle of East of England Ambulance service who has assisted in this project and they will be providing ongoing support. Also thanks to those individuals who I have not noted in person.


We now have a community public access defibrillator that can be used by anyone and is located at Wickhambrook Fire Station – you don’t need to have received training in its use as the machine talks you through what you need to do – step by step! You will still need to contact the ambulance service by dialling 999 and they will instruct you where it is located and the key code to get it out of the locked cabinet. For further information please contact Peter Vince on 01440 820055 (view on website here)

Wickhambrook Play Area Improvements

An article submitted by Lay member of the Estates Committee, Roger Merry

Wickhambrook Zipwire

The next step is to replace the skins on the Skate Park Fun Box and carry out minor repairs to the surface. I also have visions for tidying up the Teen Project area and in particular refurbishing and/or improving features in the Skate Park, but that depends on competing for cash with other Wickhambrook projects and/or raising grant money.

Roger Merry – Estates Committee Lay Member and Playground Safety Inspector

Storm Damage

Although Wickhambrook did not suffer as badly as some parts of the British Isles the high winds on the night of 17 January resulted in the byway from Coltsfoot Green to Baxters Green becoming impassable in several places. The Parish Council Footpaths Officer, Mr Roger Medley, cleared the way and by Friday 19 January the byway was usable once more. Thanks must go to Roger as some of the trees across the right of way were quite substantial and not only has this been cleared but several of the local footpaths have been restored and the access improved since. This work is all done on a voluntary basis and makes a real difference to the lives of many residents who take exercise using the network of footpaths, bridleways and Byways available to all.

Parish Councillor Appointment

Wickhambrook Parish Council was very pleased to have three very strong applications for the vacancy left by the retirement of Councillor Walker. No election for the post was requested and therefore the Councillors had the difficult task of voting for the person they considered best placed to be the eighth member of the Parish Council in a co-option process.

Mrs Mary Jolland received the majority of the votes and will be duly appointed at the meeting on 22 February. The Parish Council is looking forward to welcoming Mrs Jolland to be part of the team and her application included background information about previous voluntary work for village organisations. Many of you will know Mary Jolland from her many years as a resident of the village, 27 years to date, and her past work on committees representing the Young Farmers Club, a local playgroup and football club. Mrs Jolland has also supported the Wickhambrook Carnival.

The Parish Council sent thanks to all the candidates for their interest in serving the village.

March Litter Pick (cancelled)

UPDATE : Due to the severe weather the


Thank you to everyone willing to give up their time and hope to see you at the next event to be announced soon

Wickhambrook Parish Clerk
01440 821861

GET FITTER PICK LITTER – or here we go again!

Yes it is the first of three litter picks held in Wickhambrook each year and the date is Sunday 4 March 2018 at 10.30 a.m. to meet in the pavilion attached to the MSC Hall (with thanks to the MSC trustees for making no charge for this use). Please come along if possible and those who noted the verse in the previous edition of the Scene will know that CANS are in abundance tossed in the ditches and verges. There has been a report of many on each side of the road to Ousden so anyone who would like a long walk with plenty of action in the way of ‘grab and bag’ please report for duty!

If you needed any further encouragement our date is part of:
The Great British Spring Clean: Join thousands of others taking part on the weekend of 2-4 March and help clean up our country.

We hope to see you on Sunday 4 March at 10.30 a.m.

Memorial Garden

The garden project has now been completed with three benches purchased to site on the areas of hardstanding already in place. These will be given additional coats of teak oil over the winter before being placed outside in early spring ready for use. Tesco Groundworks have been sent photos and an in depth report of the planning and financing of the garden which has resulted in the remaining 25% of the grant being paid. The Parish Council is very pleased with the end result, a large unkempt area has been transformed enhancing the entire cemetery.

Annual Parish Meeting – Thursday 10 May 2018 at 7.30 p.m. Invitation to clubs and societies.

Last year a very enjoyable meeting contained reports from many of the clubs and societies. Reports were presented by representatives from the History Society, Wickhambrook W.I., Wickhambrook Youth Football Club and Wickhambrook Primary School. Written reports from the Bowls Club and MSC Hall Trustees were handed to all at the meeting. If these organisations, or any other village based clubs, wish to present or submit a report please come to the meeting in the pavilion attached to the MSC Hall or send it to

The meeting is for all parishioners and it is hoped that there will be a good attendance this year.


Recent planning applications considered by the Parish Council over the last six weeks:

DC/17/2427/FUL 4 Wickham House Bungalow, Giffords Lane. Replacement dwelling. No objection.
DC/18/0059/HH, DC/180060/LB Sunnyside House, Church Road. Garage conversion to living. No objection.
Two-bay cart lodge and canopy over doorway. Plus Listed Building application. No objection.
DC/18/0016/HH Westering, Attleton Green. Single storey rear extension and associated alterations (part retrospective). No objection.

Decisions made by St Edmundsbury Council over the last eight weeks:

DC/17/2500/FUL Black Horse Farm House, Ashfield Green. General purpose building. Approved
DC/17/2581/HH Beckenried, Bury Road. Two storey rear and side single extensions. Approved
DC17/2164/HH Columbine Cottage, Nunnery Green. Single storey rear extension. Approved
DC/17/2297/HH Rolfes Farm House, Church Road. Swimming pool and spa. Approved
DC/17/2075/HH 4 Nunnery Green. Relocate Oil Heating storage to front garden. Approved
DC/17/1821/FUL Adj to Rowans, Nunnery Green. 1 dwelling, 1 carport/shed plus access. Approved


Parish Council meetings

The date for the next meetings are Thursday 29 March and 26 April. The next Estates committee meeting will be held on Thursday 12 April. All meetings begin at 7.30 p.m. and are open for everyone to attend.

Would you like to find out more about Wickhambrook Parish Council