Parish Council News and Clerk Reports…
A note from your clerk – Memorial Testing in Wickhambrook Cemetery
This week work will begin to carefully test headstones for safety in Wickhambrook Cemetery…
Parish Clerk June Newsletter
It’s been a busy month for meetings, with the Annual Parish Meeting, Annual Meeting of the Parish Council and an Extraordinary Meeting to consider a planning matter. You can view the draft minutes on the parish website.
A note from your clerk – Quiet Lanes have arrived!
With thanks to our Chairman, Mike Lavelle, and his volunteers Gary and Mel, I’m really pleased to be able to tell you that we have now completed installation of the Quiet Lanes signage…
A note from your Clerk – Cemetery Tidy Days
Thanks go out to Mary Jolland, our lay environment and sustainability officer on the Estates Committee, for organising our Cemetery Tidying Mornings…
A note from your Clerk – Dogs in Parks
There’s been quite a bit in the news recently about dogs etiquette in public places! As a dog owner myself, it’s lovely to see our dogs socialising and playing in open spaces, but please keep in mind that dogs should be under control on Six Acres and on lead on the Recreation Ground…
Parish Council Vacancies
Parish Council Meetings are open to the public so why not come along? We hope that you will find it interesting and we would like to increase our community engagement. This helps to ensure that the decisions that are reached have the support of local residents. You never know, you may wish to get more involved – there are lots of ways to contribute, from attending meetings and asking questions, to joining in with volunteer events, becoming a lay member on our Estates Committee, or becoming a Councillor!
West Suffolk Council News – Join the walk to clean up our air and look after your mind
West Suffolk Council is supporting Clean Air Day and inviting residents to see that covering journeys of less than a mile by foot or wheel is a viable and enjoyable alternative to driving…
A note from your clerk – Award of the Alf Hicks Biscuit Barrel
Thank you to all who came to the Annual Parish Meeting last night, when the Alf Hicks Biscuit Barrel was presented. Kevin Grimes was the unanimous choice by the Parish Council for the award this year…
A Note from Your Clerk – Repainting the BT Call Box
Over the May bank holiday weekends, a fantastic group of volunteers organised by the lovely ladies of the WI prepped, primed and re-painted our BT call box which is used as the little lending library. Thank you so much on behalf of all the parish!
Parish Clerk May 2023 Newsletter
I’ve enjoyed some lovely time working in the garden and it really seems that spring is has arrived at last…
Contact the Parish Clerk
Contact info for the Parish Clerk or please complete the short form and we will be in touch.