Parish Council News and Clerk Reports…
A note from your clerk – Cemetery Tidy Thank You
Thanks go out to our lovely regulars Mary and Sally for all their work in the Cemetery this Wednesday…
A note from your clerk – a Spring Clean in Wickhambrook
The lovely ladies from the WI are re-furbishing our Little Lending Library (the old BT Call Box) at Shop Hill…
A note from your clerk – A Spring Clean in Wickhambrook
The lovely ladies from the WI will be re-furbishing our Little Lending Library (the old BT Call Box) at Shop Hill. Can you help with any of these activities?
A Note from your clerk – New Senior Wooden Goal End and Basketball Hoop
At its February meeting the parish council agreed to purchase a new Wooden Goal End and Basketball Hoop for the old MUGA space next to the Skate Park. We’re pleased to tell you that the suppliers have been on site today installing the Goal End and basket ball hoop. It will be fenced off until Wednesday/Thursday to allow for the concrete the posts are set into to fully harden. Please don’t try to use it until the fencing is down!
A Note from your clerk – Consultation on Neighbourhood Planning Closes on 16th April
Consultation on Neighbourhood Planning Closes on 16th April…
A Note from Your Clerk: Elections to West Suffolk Council and Parish and Town Councils
Parish and District Elections will be held this year on Thursday 4th May…
A Note from your clerk – Consultation on Neighbourhood Planning
The Neighbourhood Plan Working Group (NPWG) has been working with AECOM to provide a Development Plan, of the new site at Bunters Road…
A note from your clerk – Message from Neighbourhood Plan Working Group
Leaflets in the latest round of consultation in the development of a Neighbourhood Plan for Wickhambrook should now have been delivered to every house in the parish…
A note from your clerk – new consultation on Neighbourhood Planning starts today
The Neighbourhood Plan Working Group (NPWG) has been working with AECOM to provide a Development Plan, of the new site at Bunters Road. Our consultation on the draft options for this site goes live today…
A note from your clerk – new consultation on Neighbourhood Planning starts on 30th March
The Wickhambrook Neighbourhood Plan Working Group has continued to be busy….
Contact the Parish Clerk
Contact info for the Parish Clerk or please complete the short form and we will be in touch.