Parish Council News and Clerk Reports…
West Suffolk Issues and Options consultation – zoom meeting
At its November meeting Wickhambrook Parish Council agreed a response to West Suffolk’s consultation on Issues and Options—the first stage in its developing a new local plan…
Conclusion of Audit 2020
Please view the Notice of Conclusion document relating to the Annual Audit…
Message from Cllr John Griffiths, Leader of West Suffolk Council, to Town & Parish Councils
We have already been paying out grants to businesses that have been required by Government to close during these current national restrictions. This is being paid out under the Government’s scheme and the Government’s criteria and we are continuing to encourage businesses to apply…
Project to help small to medium local businesses apply for innovation grants – Message from Mary Evans, Suffolk County and West Suffolk District Councillor
There is a new project being launched to help small to medium local businesses apply for innovation grants…
Grant Funding Available to businesses
As part of its national restriction measures, the Government has announced grant funding to be paid out by councils to businesses that have, as a result, been told to close…
Please do not use the Zip Wire until further notice
Following a visual inspection of the Zip Wire the parish team has taken the decision to take it out of use until a service visit by the installers has been completed. Please do not use the Zip Wire until further notice…
Suffolk Coronawatch Bulletin
Rising infection rates in Suffolk are causing concern. None of us wants to see our county go up into a higher Covid Control tier requiring tighter restrictions. It is up to all of us to play our part…
Remembrance Sunday 2020
This year there is no formally organised Remembrance Sunday ceremony at Wickhambrook Cemetery. The Cemetery is open (as it has been throughout the year), and a representative from the Royal British Legion will be laying a wreath and reading the names of those on the war memorial at 12 noon on Sunday 8th November…
Make the right choices this Hallowe’en: don’t give coronavirus the chance to spread
Over Halloween with the number of Covid-19 cases increasing across Suffolk, residents must please keep following the guidance to stop the virus spreading…
Sunnica Energy Farm: statutory consultation
The parish Council has received notice of a Statutory Consultation on the Sunnica Energy Farm proposals (for southwest Cambridgeshire)…
Contact the Parish Clerk
Contact info for the Parish Clerk or please complete the short form and we will be in touch.