Parish Council News and Clerk Reports…
End of Shielding
Government food parcels and medication deliveries to those who were shielding stopped on 31st July. Those affected will have already received a letter from Government outlining the changes. The volunteers of the Wickhambrook Coronavirus Support group have done a fantastic job supporting our more vulnerable residents during lockdown and shielding but many are now back at work themselves, and the group has not been able to offer continuing support after the end of shielding. If circumstances change due to an increase in cases or restrictions, we’ll keep you updated through the website if its support activities resume. Thank you to all the volunteers from Wickhambrook Parish Council…
Re-opening of Play Areas Update
Following our risk assessments, our play parks are now open. We’ve had to take some pieces of equipment out of use, either because it would be difficult for the children to maintain social distancing whilst using it, or because it would be difficult for parents and guardians to adequately sanitise the equipment before your children use it. These will be marked clearly with tape…
Stay Alert, Control the Virus, Save Lives – Message from Mary Evans, Suffolk County and West Suffolk District Councillor
Mobile Testing Units: visit for newly published dates for mobile testing units across Suffolk. Through this link you can find the dates are for the next two weeks. However, please be aware the dates are subject to change, so do check back regularly…
Stay Alert, Control the Virus, Save Lives – Message from Mary Evans, Suffolk County and West Suffolk District Councillor
It should be obvious but we have been asked to share the message: Please do not put used PPE in your recycling bin! Equally do not discard it on the ground. All used PPE should be removed safely. Early on in lockdown I saw a short video showing how to remove gloves safely rolling up one into the other and taking them off so that no point do you touch the outer surface of either glove. Once removed, PPE should be double bagged and disposed of into your black bin…
Public Notice of Rights of Inspection 2019-2020
Public Notice of Rights of Inspection…
Stay Alert, Control the Virus, Save Lives – Message from Mary Evans, Suffolk County and West Suffolk District Councillor
At the county council we are working through exactly what the announcement of extra funding for our schools will mean. You maybe aware that Suffolk and other rural counties have been underfunded for schools and for SEND but it looks like our rural schools and SEND budgets are going to get better than expected increase – which is very welcome…
Stay Alert, Control the Virus, Save Lives – Message from Mary Evans, Suffolk County and West Suffolk District Councillor
At the end of last week, Government devolved emergency powers to county councils/upper tier authorities to empower them to intervene if there is an outbreak of coronavirus. In Suffolk, our Director of Public Health, Stuart Keeble is working with the legal team, to set out how, if it ever became necessary, this would be undertaken in Suffolk…
Message from Mary Evans, Suffolk County and West Suffolk District Councillor
Yesterday we had our first full council meeting at the county council since lockdown, using Teams. It went much better than would have been predicted from the practice vote session beforehand! We approved a motion to explore the idea of creating a healing wood to support the recovery of Suffolk’s communities from the impacts of Covid19 and remember all those who have lost their lives…
Message from Mary Evans, Suffolk County and West Suffolk District Councillor
You might have been alarmed by national news outlets reporting that Suffolk is listed as being an area considered for lockdown due to a 50% increase in confirmed cases: Please be re-assured – this is not accurate. The alarming statistical claim is based on Suffolk having had 2 cases from 13-19 June and then 3 cases from June 20-26. So, technically yeas we have experienced a 50% increase, but from an incredibly low base. To put matters into perspective: our county had, in fact, one of the lowest rates of coronavirus cases in the country last week and was ranked at 131st lowest out of 150 council areas in England for infections. However, it has not stopped some media outlets from reporting it as if a local lockdown is therefore imminent. I repeat – It is NOT…
Vans, trailers and trade waste now accepted at nine of Suffolk’s recycling centres
In line with the phased approach to reopening Suffolk’s recycling centres, people with vans, trailers and trade waste can now book an appointment to visit nine of the county’s 11 recycling centres…
Contact the Parish Clerk
Contact info for the Parish Clerk or please complete the short form and we will be in touch.