Postal Scam – Hoax!

7th November 2019 | General News


bulletin from Suffolk Trading Standards

It is that time of year when we have to remind everyone that a chain email and Facebook Post circulating, warning about a postal scam that could leave you £315 out of pocket – is a hoax!

If you receive this via a message or email just delete it and do not to forward it to anyone.

If you see a post on Facebook, do not share it.

The chain email refers to a service (operating on 0906 6611911) that was shut down by PhonepayPlus (then ICSTIS) in December 2005. PhonepayPlus subsequently fined the company that was operating the service, Studio Telecom (based in Belize), £10,000.

The service is NO LONGER running and has NOT been running since December 2005.