Reminder to Dog Owners

14th February 2020 | General News, Parish Council News


by Wickhambrook Parish Clerk

In these winter nights please don’t forget to take poop bags on your walks with your four legged friend.  It’s much easier to find and pick up if you have the bag to hand, and it’s really not nice for others to step in waste in the dark, or find it the next morning!  Please think of other villagers and pick up after your dog – spare bags can be found at the dispensers at the MSC Car Park.

There are two dispensers, one by the W.I. on the fence around the children’s play area and the other on the pavilion wall by the track entrance to the recreation ground, opposite the red disposal bin for dog waste.

There are two more red dog waste bins at the back of Six Acres, each end of the footpath from the school to Coltsfoot Green and one more in the MSC car park near the recycle banks.