Road safety project in our village – THE UPDATE!

28th June 2021 | General News, Parish Council News, Road Safety Issues


In response to a road traffic accident in 2018 and heightened concerns of residents, the school and villagers, Wickhambrook Parish Council set up a road safety working group, just over a year ago, to explore all the options for road safety specifically in the vicinity of Wickhambrook Primary Academy. The working party includes local villagers, a school governor, the head teacher and a representative from the Parish Council.

As you will be aware, the Parish Council collects detailed traffic survey data from the VAS machines on the road outside the school and across the parish. Data collected from the vehicle activated signs is showing that speeding continues to be an issue of concern and work has continued in order to try and resolve the issue. Over the past year, speeding past the school hasn’t stopped and in fact, has increased and we have had other accidents outside of the school.

We all understand the importance of this problem and are determined to try to find a solution to the parking for parents/guardians dropping off and collecting their children from the school and slowing down the traffic travelling along Bunters Road, past the school and down Shop Hill.

The right solution(s) could make a significant contribution not only to the safety of our school children, their health and wellbeing, but could also reduce the congestion on the B1063 in the vicinity of the school and shop hill during these periods.

So, what have the working party discussed and considered so far:

  • We are engaging with highways to conduct further surveillance of speeding through the village and consider the use of some/all of the options below:
    • A pedestrian crossing
    • Mini roundabouts
    • Build outs
    • Rumble strips, speed bumps
  • The location of additional parking for parents and teachers
  • Well-lit cycle paths to allow the children to safely cycle to school
  • The use of cycle buses
  • Engaged the children in the Road Safety poster competition (All entries displayed today)
  • We have also been advised that Wickhambrook will be part of a new ANPR project scheduled over the next few months. (B1063)

So where are we now and what’s next?

In order for us to progress any or all these options, we need the full support of YOU – the people who live in or around the village.  We can only move this forward and apply for grant funding if there is enough community engagement and support.

We need you to tell us:

  • Do you support any of the suggestions put forward by the working group?
  • Do you have any other suggestions that we could take forward?
  • Do you want to help to resolve the problem?
  • Can you get involved and help?

If you would like to give us your opinion or participate, please contact Councillor Sandy Thwaite at the email address below. Sandy would be delighted to hear from you and get you involved in our group. You can also note your interest in being part of the group with the Parish council Clerk, Hilary Workman.

We look forward to hearing from you!