1st Wickhambrook Beavers and Clubs

We currently have a Beaver Colony for children ages 6 – 8.
We meet on a Monday night at Wickhambrook W.I. hall from 18:00 – 19:00 during term time in line with Wickhambrook Primary Academy school Calendar.
We play games, try new and exciting things, have visits from interesting people, go to interesting places and above all have FUN!!!
Beaver Leader – Jo Gearing 0794 164 5158.
Cubs meet: Every Wednesday between 17:45 and 19:15 during term time in line with Wickhambrook Primary Academy school Calendar.
Ages: 8 – 10 years
As per Beavers we also learn knots, build stuff from stretch, play games and learn new lifeskills.
1st Wickhambrook currently has a Beaver Colony and is looking out for new leaders to take on Cubs and bring it back to the village. both these groups aim to provide a balanced program of activities that falls within the scouting ethos (community values, teamwork friendship, fun and adventure etc).
We are within the Cambridgeshire County Scouts and are a Newmarket District Scout Group.
Jo Gearing | |
Group Enquiries | 0794 164 5158 |
Jo Gearing and Mike Webb | |
Beaver Enquiries | 0794 164 5158 |
CUBS | |
All Enquiries |
Latest News
A Note from your clerk – Thank you 1st Wickhambrook Beavers!
A big thank you goes out to Kingfisher Noel Micallef and the 1st Wickhambrook Beavers, who recently put up 8 bird boxes in Wickhambrook Cemetery from kits put together by our Chairman, Mike Lavelle – thanks also go to Mike and everyone who contributed wood for the project…